Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Harlem Meer Cats
Flexible and highly skilled musician with 35 years of professional experience of live and studio performance.
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TedyP is a Stellar Award nominated producer with dozens of billboard charting records nationally and internationally. Hailing from Baton Rouge, LA, TedyP earned his Bachelor of Arts in music composition and performance from Southern University. From his personality to his work ethic, you can expect a world class experience working with TedyP.
I'm Donn Jones...mixing and tracking engineer. My job is to make the sound of your music magical! Originally from Charleston, SC. and I have been involved with music for over 17 years. Honor graduate of the prestegious SAE Institute of Atlanta. I'm also an R&B singer/songwriter. If you're in Atlanta and need a studio to record at...hit me up!!!
From trap to country, rock to pop, jazz to R&B. I got you covered.
Professional singer, violist, composer, songwriter, arranger and orchestrator.
I have been taught by industry professionals such as Lewis Capaldi/CamelPhat's Engineer. I have also had success through my personal tracks on Spotify reaching 1 million streams worldwide.
Executive travels is one of our specialties. Book your next trip to a professional event or a business meeting.
Electronic Music Producer and Mixing Engineer
Ingrid Schyborger is a 24 years old film-scorer, bass player and composer living in New York. Originally from Stockholm, Sweden, she grew up in a small neighbourhood outside the city with a house full of musical instruments. She started with the piano at age of 4 and at the age of 9 she began playing classical cello and electric bass as well.
Recent Successes
"What to say guys? No words to give you my emoutions! Nicholas is the great, brilliant musician, very communicative! Perfect job was done! I am happy for a while) "
"Amazing sound and super nice attention. I've never had such a nice communication in mastering, not even in assisted sessions. Super clean, versatile and perfect delivery package. ( Several audios) Thank you so muc..."
"Fantastic outcome and great communication. Was definitely proud of his work and was super approachable. Would recommend! "
"Doesn't getter any better than working with this guy. No ego, Great communication . Always gets the job done ! "
"Highly focused and diligent remix of my tracks for a new album. There was A LOT to handle in these mixes with choir, strings, brass, layered vocals plus a regular drums/bass/guitar band. Nate handled all these..."
"The job was done to my complete satisfaction. Kimera works professionally, structured, friendly. Her recording quality leaves nothing to be desired. Kimera has precise analysis skills and a quick grasp, so she is s..."
"Scott is always dependable and trustworthy. This must be the 10th time working with Scott. I can always trust Scott to come through with the vocals the way I need them despite the ridiculously fast turnaround time. V..."