Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hans Feigenwinter
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Musician / Producer / Recording, Mixing and Mastering engineer. Owner of El Ancla Studio located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I´ve worked with various international and local artists such as David Lebón, Andrés Calamaro, Jarabe de Palo, Bersuit Vergarabat. In 2022 I composed the original music for the film "Nuestros dias mas felices"
Mixing and Mastering Engineer
I have degrees from many worldwide remix and mastering competitions and more than 10 years of experience. I'm here for Mixing, Mastering, Free Vocal Tuning, Free Feedbacks on Composition and Arrangement. Also I may contribute to your projects free of charge as a Ghost Producer.
Chris Floyd graduated with a Bachelor's in Music and Business and has been professionally trained with over 2 and a half decades of experience recording and performing live.
Life is too short so make it happen! My skills like mixing and mastering will be used to the fullest in every project and delivered on time.
Whether it's in-person or remote Production, radio focused Mixing with depth & clarity or Intuitive co-writing & Instrumental building - I'll work closely with you to create distinctive, world class & stream worthy Indie Pop. I love working with artists who have big goals & are driven to push their craft and careers to the highest level.
Metal-rock music producer
Electronic Music Producer that makes everything from scratch. I insert my own style into every piece which gives it the unique JSizzle sound. I can creatively take any sample for vocal idea and turn it into a fully produced track that can be used as a single or a part of an album release.
Recent Successes
"Love working with Kirby. He gets what the songs need and provides us with tracks that really make the songs better. Highly recommend Kirby."
"Great job. His responses was so quick and he can made the sound what you want."
"Great work from Simon as usual! Highly recommend"
"What can I say, Kevin does it again and I'm really finding a groove with working with Kevin. This time we started going into the "rock" territory and I am very satisfied with the results."
"This was our fourth project together, and we have already started a new project. Abbie has an incredibly beautiful and versatile voice. For me, she has sung pop music in the 80s style, but also pop country music. Ever..."
"Israel is a total pro. His recordings sound great. He has a positive, let's get it done attitude. He worked hard to provide exactly what I wanted and delivered a great production. Israel is now one of my "go-to" guys!..."
"Just wrapped up another project with Jess, and I couldn’t be prouder of how it turned out! Working with her was such a blast—she brought awesome ideas to the table and was super supportive, open to my ideas too. We re..."