Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with HAN NAH
22 year-old multi-instrumentalist/composer and songwriter, based in Athens,Greece. Works as a producer for Mellowsophy Music, a famous greek independent record label, overseeing every step of the way (arrangements-recording-mixing-mastering).
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Profesional Production Team Text writing, songwriting, recording and production services.
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Diane & Frank Marino's studio: "The Piano Den" is available for Acoustic Piano, Bass & Female Vocal Tracks. Recording Artist Diane Marino has recorded five critically acclaimed CD’s- all of which have been on the National JazzWeek charts- Acoustic Piano and Acoustic Bass recorded at The Piano Den, Nashville TN.
Producer for Ne-Yo, Haifa Wahbe, Aminux, Tanya Stephens, Dub Afrika...
I'm a producer, songwriter and mixer. I've worked with Australia's top Pop, RnB, Soul and Hip-Mop musicians to create modern, unique, fulfilling, soulful masterpieces and I just wanna keep on doing it.
Songwriting is my passion, poetry is my goal, musicality is my priority.
Hey! I’m Juanpicnic—a producer, guitarist, composer, and artist in the band Picnic al Costado del Camino, deeply rooted in Argentina’s indie rock scene. After earning my degree from the Buenos Aires School of Music (EMBA), I’ve spent years diving into projects that have helped shape my sound and style.
An engineer centered on a commitment to quality and attention to detail and a collaborative approach that puts your vision first.
Recent Successes
"You were very good to understand what I was looking for, and you did it in the best way! Nice and helpful, I could not find a better singer ! A perfect combination of soft and powerful vocals. Thanks thanks thanks!!!"
"Great as usual. Very Pro. Fast delivery. Recommended !!!"
"Super, super talented. It was an amazing experience to work with Myah! Definitely going to work with her on future tracks!"
"We have worked together on three or four tracks now. I guess that says it all. Christian is just a great producer, experienced, creative and a total professional. Pleasure to work with."
"Tip Top ! Alex delivers effectively and in time ! Looking forward for the next Song ;)"
"What can I say about Garrett that I haven’t already said a million times, he is a mega value to sites like this and delivers amazing masters time and time again! "
"Fantastic vocal from Shelley what a voice smooth as silk. So easy to work with just a pleasure. So quick in response to revisions. So impressed all round as first time of using Soundbetter and can't wait yo work with ..."
"Hired Daniel to deliver a topline rap vocal in Ukrainian for my Cold War themed short-film Closure Cafe. Though there were bumps in the process, he communicates well (in English), took feedback well and delivered a ..."
"Stephen's level of professionalism is impeccable with the highest quality of work and service. He completed the song on a timely basis and amazed me with the musical arrangement. Captivating..."