Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hamlet (8 albums)
Make a song groove with a great bass line
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Im producing electronic music since 21 years and have several Music Projects such as Braincell, Solar Spectrum, Rastaliens, Unknown Reality, The Rave Comission Certified Trainer Bitwig Studio Sound Designer
Transform your musical ideas into fully-produced, radio-ready tracks. With over 20 years of experience in production, mixing, mastering, and engineering, I specialize in a wide range of genres.
High quality compositions, arrangements, mixes, and finished products.
been in the music scene from a tender age, having focused on backing vocals and drumming and now evolved into a beat maker, music producer and vocalist
Robert Cole is a musician and songwriter based in the greater Chicago area. His 1st album ‘the dissolution’ has been reviewed on iTunes as "balls-to-the-wall ROCK!" Robert's music features raw emotions, muscular rhythms, engaging vocals and contemporary lyrics.
I would like to record bass for you
I can lay down vocals and write lyrics in Hindi and English, help compose or finish a top line melody / song composition, record lush harmonies and acoustic guitar, do a clean and radio-ready mix & master!
Recent Successes
"I could cry! been looking for someone to capture the energy I wanted in my songs for so so long, and she did it on the first try. "
"Pablo is quick, professional and extremely experienced in his craft! I had such a great time working with him. I can not wait to work on my next project with Pablo!"
"This is my first time working with Alex and I am very satisfied with the final result (great timing/feel, high-quality recordings, fast delivery, and excellent creative input). I couldn’t have asked for more and hopef..."
"Excellent communication and feedback. Delivered a great final master!"
"Amazing really takes your song and make it as good as it can be, second time I have used Alou, and very happy with his work and commitment. "
"I love working with J.O.Y, this is my second time working with him, and he has done a spectacular job once again. I was having trouble creativel with this project, and he was very very kind and patient with me through..."
"Amazing and talented producer. Ever so happy to collaborate with Andrew time and time again."
"William's a great interpreter of the meaning of a song and as far as song structure, lyrics, and melody, he always knocks the ball out of the park! I truly enjoy collaborating with William and have done so many times..."