Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hakiim
Multi-Genre Producer & Engineer with a Hip-Hop background (Van Buren Records, Neemz, invada, Ibri, Rugireo). Since graduating Berklee College of Music with a Production & Engineering degree, I have now started working at Crosby Studios under the leadership of Bainz (Young Thug, Gunna, Travis Scot) and am available for remote production and mixing.
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Achi Oshkhereli
I am known for the poetry I have written since I was young. I string together beautiful lyrics to the tune of my grand.
I am a 36 year old college student single father of 2 boys and I have made beats for a few local artists but I have the drive, passion, education, and skills needed to succeed
Abi Swidergal found her dream job combining love for horses with her degree as an Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA).
I'm a 29 years Multi-Genre Music Producer
More than 10 years of experience capturing and mixing live performances, always seeking to register the naturalness and nuance of the artists.
Producer, engineer & multi-instrumentalist for Electronic Music, Pop, Indie & Rock. With years of experience, professional equipment and a fine musical and human sense, I will help you realize your musical project. Together we will shape your sound with a high recognition value that will excite your audience.
Female vocalist with two decades of experience singing a wide variety of genres ranging from musical theatre, pop, electronic and more.
Recent Successes
"I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Alina on a second song. Alina has an extraordinary vocal sound and natural sense for interpreting lines in a song. I really never need to say much in advance because ..."
"This was my third time working with Philip, and just like the last two - it went swimmingly well and Philip was a pleasure to work with. I'm very happy with the outcome, and plan to keep sending things his way!"
"Franky did a great job, in working with this song from production, mixing and mastering. He is a really talented guy and he gets into the song to add more life to it. I hope he continues in the same way."
"Another top notch experience working with Bram and TMIS! Communication is always clear and precise, and never do I have to worry about expectations not being met. Bram is truly a talent in many facets of the music art..."
"Tom delivered a flawless master and provided multiple revisions to make sure I was completely satisfied with the final sound. Everything you could want in a mastering engineer!"
"This is my second time working with Brandon and I love the work he did on the track. He knows his stuff! And he went above and beyond to get the sound where I wanted it and then some, suggesting new ideas that enhance..."
"Jaime is a gem! She surprises me every time with her out-of-this-world voice and creativity. She's also a great collaborator and an amazing singer. I think Jaime is already a superstar!"