Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hack the Power
Riffs that remind you of the games of the past.
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Mixing and mastering engineer specializing in worship (studio & live) and pop music. Credits include: Eleni Baker, Mass Anthems, Anthem Worship, and more.
Versatile guitarist that has been playing for over 15 years. I have experience touring with artists and playing in professional settings. I use ear training and music theory to quickly understand a song. I can deliver the part you're envisioning or record/compose multiple ideas to choose from. Let's talk about how I can help elevate your music!
Hey! My name is ilithya. I'm a Dutch/Australian songwriter and topline vocalist. With over 12 years experience I have released with labels like Kontor Records, 2-Dutch, Sony, and Q-Dance. If you’re looking for catchy melodies, unique storytelling, heartfelt delivery, and powerful ad libs and climaxes, then I am the voice for you!
Do you need the perfect part to elevate your latest song even further? Do you need the bass and guitar lines to be sitting tightly together, impress, create the desired mood and do you need them real quick? Or would you rather start a project from scratch, have the music or parts written and recorded for you? If so, I can definitely help!
Summer of Love Music production. If you're after auto-tune and gated drums, you've found the wrong guy. If you want that 70s-sunglasses-4-track-sunny-afternoon-peaking-on-acid-wearing-denim-bellbottoms sound, get in touch!
Passionate with music since a very young age. I always knew that I wanted to pursue a career in this industry and connect with people. I am a Musician, Producer, Mixing Engineer, and DJ. With experience in EDM music and Latin music.
Berlin-based mixing engineer, producer, composer & sound designer specialized in electroacoustic music, jazz, techno, organic house...
Recent Successes
"Great Job! Thanks once again."
"Jo'Shua is a very talented and a brillant producer, he did a wonderful job for my single, he made an amazing arrangement...I'd raccomanded him without hesitation.. Alex"
"Jimmy is truly one of the most talented writers, singer, artist, you will find anywhere. Trust us. We're not just being kind here. he really is!! Fast and attentive too. So awesome!"
"Lisa was awesomely flexible and easy to collaborate with. She did a great job taking the bud of an idea I had and helping to flush it out into a great song. She's gotta a killer voice and a great sense of lyrical de..."
"Arthur was amazing! He came up with an amazing production for my song. He created the perfect guitar + melodies that I needed and he really listened and executed on my vision. "
"This is my first time working with Judy, and her melodic piano playing has reshaped the character, and enhance the entire vibe of the song. The variations were fantastic. Thank you!"
"Working with Rory was a pleasure. His communication is professional and transparent and his quality of work gave me a great vocal track with amazing lyrics. I definitely would recommend him 5/5"
"It’s always great to work with 2FISTD. I look forward to collaborating with him again some day! 😊"