Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with H.E.A.T
Unlock the Potential of Your Music with Plec, Ranked Among the World's Top 200 Most Streamed Mastering Engineers. Join the Ranks of Artists like Soilwork, Mayhem, Floor Jansen, and H.E.A.T. – Elevate Your Sound Today!
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I sing a variety of styles using many unique affectations. Master of vocal stacking. If you want someone who can be a chameleon and meld with your style, contact me.
✅ Recorded for well known DJs such as Oliver Koletzki, Federico Scavo, Kryder ✅ 1 Hour Response Time ✅ High Quality Work ✅ 8+ Years of Experience Recording & Performing this incredible instrument
Helping you make your Tracks get to the Top 10 is my passion.
Deep House / Future House / Future Trance Producer / Remixer
Dele Peters is a Nigerian music producer who has carved a niche for himself in the Nigerian music industry with his eclectic African blend and ethereal African vibe. He debuted his career with an 8 track easy-listen album titled "CHILL" an album that garnered him fans. With the tagline, "Aranga" Dele Peters thrills his fans.
Making Music has been my passion since I started playing drums at age 8. I want to help others take there songs to the next level and make their music sound awesome! I'm great at coming up with harmonies and hooks, and taking any song and bringing it up to it's full potential. I highly enjoy mixing and want to do my best to perfect every track.
Music Producer, Mixing and mastering engineer, specializing in Vocal production, drum mixing, and pro audio software.
Recent Successes
"I can''t be happy and satisfied enough with the end result of my track. Arthur has treated this project as his own and has added so much to the over all result. He exceeded all my expectations. I would definitely be w..."
"Giancarlo really came through for me having some cello rerecorded. He's in contact with some of the best studio musicians and he knows how to properly record them. Not a single mistake or noticable edit could be heard..."
"Michael had a specific skill set with his voice that I needed for my song. His ability to deliver a very professional and awesome vocal track with a unique sound was without peer. Absolutely thrilled with the result."
"Austin was really great to work with. This was my first time having a track mastered, he was patient and walked me through the process. I would definitely return to Austin again. "
"Amber was able to deliver a cool super melodic vocal that I hadn't been able to come up on my own. Highly recommend! "
"Great as always."
"Great work"
"Rahul is a skillful player and communicates well with the client. An all around positive experience!"
"Working with Guy again was awesome, he delivers amazing quality every time and is extremely accommodating and responsive! I'm excited to work with him again in the future!"
"I couldn't find a nicer guy to work with. Bryan is very knowledgeable, and helpful and wants to make sure he gives you the best mix possible. His work is excellent and I definitely will use him again! "
"Easy 5/5, great vocalist going above and beyond with all the stems provided, really a great voice with what I was going for, thanks again man!"