Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with GuttaBoyChief
Quality is king. If you need that final touch to make your dream a reality join us for the ride. We specialize in all listed above. Credits can speak volumes but results speak louder. Is it just a dream or you want it to be your reality?
More providers:
DialogueEditing SoundDesign (esp. Atmospheres) SoundDesign for Theatre SoundArtEducation Programms
Hello and welcome to Atlanta Record Factory! We are a newer music recording studio in Atlanta offering all engineering, production and songwriting services at affordable rates! We have been told our quality is much greater than the average professional studio and we continue to strive for excellence on a daily basis. Allow us to show you!
You need a Rocky Solo ? A Funky rythm ? Or some jazz chords on your songs ? Don't search any longer I'm your guy !
I've been playing upright bass professionally for over 30 years, in countless NYC bands in a variety of styles; jazz, experimental, electronic, indie...
Mixing is my passion and I can help you elevate your project to its maximum potential. Let’s work and make your song sound the best it can be!!
As a creator, my strongest point is that i can not stop working till i get that result witch satisfies the two parts 100%. Let's work on something and find out what love for music can do with the right techniques.
Working around the clock to deliver a specialized and specific sound tailored to your track, genre and creativity. As a creative first I understand the craving for the sound playing in your head, consistently refining and creating together I know we can create your perfect sound. My name is Elliot Christie, one of Glasgow's finest.
Hey there! I'm Sönnefelt, a chill house producer with a passion for creating relaxing and melodic beats. I've released a lot of musical work on various record labels including Soave, capitol Records, ... With my musical knowledge and experience, I'm excited to help others improve their productions and bring their own creative visions come to life.
Recent Successes
"Excellent service!! Very professional, he met the deadline that was asked and also when a revision was made he was quick to deliver. The songs sound radio ready and crisp. I definitely would refer RAWQWLTY to a friend..."
"From start to finish Adam was a pleasure to work with, and awesome mastering too..Look forward to working with him again..."
"Simon is a true pro! He communicates well with what/how/ you want to approach your music project, and is timely in providing his expert craft."
"The work Sefi did on my song is wonderful. He managed to give “that” sound I was looking for and that you can hear on professional records. For sure, Sefi is a true professional who knows what he is doing. His profess..."
"This was our second time working with Mark. He brought so much to the track. He nailed what we asked and gave even more. Mark got everything done incredibly quickly even with technical errors out of his control. A..."
"Once again happy with the provided service🙏"
"Yet another great project with Jenny! I always love her vocals. Very talented artist, beautiful voice, and very precise performance. Makes it very easy to produce. I highly recommend working with her!"
"It was incredibly easy to work with 7Harder. He did exactly what i asked and even more. Definitely gonna work with him again in the future!"
"Another huge success working with Brandon!! Super great to communicate with and has an excellent knack for getting the feel right every time. I absolutely recommend working with Brandon!"
"Steven did a great job on my song. He took the exact fx I wanted and made it sound amazing. Looking forward to working with him again!"
"bro has really quick turnaround and the mix was really really good. super satisfied"