Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Groups 2 Go
With over 3 million plays on streaming, I am experienced in every step of the song creation process--from the writing and performance, to the recording and post-production. I have been an active multi-instrumental musician and producer for over 16 years, so no matter what it is you need, we have the knowledge, experience and credibility to deliver.
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I have been mixing for close to a decade now. Working with artists ranging from Lil Wayne to the Colorado Symphony Orchestra has made me a diverse engineer. We specialize in either Indie Alternative music or Hip Hop.
The Voice season 10, Berklee graduate & Nashville artist, I can help you find the vocal texture you're looking for.
I started in music at an early age, being classically trained in France and later studied jazz in the US. I believe that combining this background with my passion for audio engineering, electronic sounds and years of experience as a performer in LA gives me a uniquely wide perspective on music.
Poetic bars that are both smooth and compelling and can range through a variety of genres
I'm passionate about helping both new and experienced artists. Let me bring your ideas to life, whether it's a voice memo or a song that needs polishing.
From Ads to tracks I've been through it all!
I own a full production studio. I can produce your songs from scratch or add the spice to make a song radio ready.
I am really focused on the sound, and try in every record to make the drums feel like a kick in the face or like sweet caress, depending on what you need.
Recent Successes
"Keith did an amazing job for me! He's fun to work with, professional, and quick to respond. "
"Robert is a studio wizard ! Stunning and magical mastering .... Highly recommended !!!! "
"This was my first job with Kirsten. She's very versatile and accommodating. She's a good listener who quickly understands what you need and provides you the sound you're looking for. She has a great voice and provi..."
"5/5, Merty is always a real pleasure to work with!! Fire rapping skills, he lays it down! Very professional and easy to work with. Thank you!"
"Jeff is an absolutely awesome Sax player! His work is beyond beautiful. A pleasure to know. "
"A very great experience with Sefi, as usual. He knows what I'm looking for, and he takes care to give the best. I recommend of course, and I will be back. Sefi is a magician. "
"Fantastic guitar player !! He did beautiful acoustic guitar , solos and slide arrangements on my new folk song. I love his work, such a great musician, and very easy to work with. And fast ! Thanks Amit !"
"Joe is a talented vocalist with incredible versatility. He is a pleasure to work with and extremely flexible in dealing with changes in the course of a project. Highly recommend."
"In the past I have send my tracks to several ME's, some really known names in the industry. Sometimes I did even send the same track to different ME's to compare the different results. I was never impressed and most o..."