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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Grammy thailand
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Hey Welcome
I'm young, I've got fire, I've got potential, and people are going to know my name. Take a chance on me, I swear you won't regret it!
Are you a new artist looking to break into the industry? Want your mix to have that amazing low end? Then you should consider contacting me for mixing/mastering your next release. I'm a new mix engineer looking to grow my catalog so you can hit me up for a low price.
Giannis Baxevanis
1 song composing 2 music programming 3 mixing and mastering 4 violin recording 5 vocal recording 6 guitar recording 7 voice over recording
Got to mix: Sacala by (Onda Moderna) and my other big feat Gatilleros by (Tito el Bambino & Cosculluela)
I'm a talented writer with a lot of fluidity when it comes to writing for any genre. No task is too difficult, nor project to complex for me too successfully complete.
With an unyielding attention to detail, I ensure every mix is meticulously polished to meet the highest industry standards. My priority is realizing your vision, making sure your music sounds great and resonates with your audience.
Recent Successes
"I asked William for a job (guitar and bass) in a music style completely out of his comfort zone and once again he was fantastic. Very well done. Thanks, William."
"Giancarlo did a great job mixing and mastering my track....he gave it just what it needed. I definitely recommend you hire him to mix and master you tracks."
"It was a great pleasure to be able to work with a great professional like Jeff. The work consisted on a re-arrange of a Portuguese music in smooth jazz style to play a cover in saxophone. Final result was awesome......"
"We hired Mark to play on our project after another bassist didn't deliver for us. Mark totally crushed it right from the get go. Amazing work, as always! Thanks again."
"Sarah is great … beautiful voice and fun to work with. "
"As always, Harry completely elevated this song. Right when I think I’ve made something that’s at its peak - Harry comes and adds SO much more. I can’t recommend him enough. He’s a true artist - he’ll absolutely ama..."
"Frank was fantastic to work with. He was exactly what you want when you hire a session player: efficiently nailing the brief; and he was versatile and flexible when I needed a couple of tweaks. He provided great sound..."
"Bravo! Joey was fantastic to work with - extremely professional, and delivered high-quality work. He provided well-organized files and made revisions quickly when requested. His attention to detail and collaborative s..."