Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Got the Goods - Krysta Youngs
Artist/Singer/Songwriter based in Los Angeles. Current experience includes: Mixing Engineer on 'Monét's Interlude' by Bob the Drag Queen (#1 Hip-Hop Project on iTunes and 5x Billboard-Charting project), BGV's on 'More Than Enough (2 Me)' by Alaska Thunderfuck (#1 Dance Album on iTunes Dance Chart).
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API Rising Star Engineer at Linear Recording with Neve 8068. I have worked with Mike Crossey (Arctic Monkeys, Two Door Cinema Club) Andy Green (Keane) Peter Mayes (Empire of the Sun, Elton John/PNAU) David Nicholas (INXS) http://www.audioprointernational.com/news/read/rising-stars-dorny-mayes/07026
Everything that an Artist or a Production House needs.
I am Cesar, latin hip hop rapper in both english and spanish & mixing/mastering engineer.
I'm a multi-talented recording artist and classically-trained vocalist within the music, arts, film, and entertainment industries with over 15+ years of experience. I perform in a variety of styles, in multiple genres including: EDM, pop/rock, house, Top 40, Latin, blues, soul, R&B, kirtan, classical, jazz, opera, and hip-hop,etc.
Concertmaster of Folk Orchestra of Santa Barbara, I have been playing violin for over 40 years. Classically trained at Oberlin Conservatory and Florida State University, but fluent in many styles, and able to improvise.
Franco-American professional guitarist with 25 years experience recording music - If you are looking for a unique guitar part with soul, I am your guy. I am playing for your song and not for my ego. Key is to understand what you are looking for, the type of sound, the vibe and I will do my best to match your expectations.
Rock/pop punk/alternative/metal guitarist with 20+ years experience. Engineering and mixing experience for 10+ years. Skilled in Logic Pro X.
I'm a producer/engineer/specializing in mixing and mastering. I am a mixing engineer with more than 20 years of experience and have worked with almost all genres: Rock, Metal, Jazz, Soul, HipHop, Trap, Pop. Among the various collaborations there are: Mario Fasciano, Rick Wakeman, Roger King, Riccardo Fogli, Tullio de Piscopo, Rob Townsend...
Recent Successes
"Kramer has given me an AMAZING sounding product. I would not hesitate to work with him again. He genuinely cares about giving you - nothing but the very best! He is a very passionate artist to say the least. His..."
"Kostas is the man! He is an intuitive and talented player who will do your song right. He really knocked it out of the park on my project with some killer solo work, and he provided numerous versions to choose from ..."
"Absolutely phenomenal!! The man has passion and love for what he does! Would definitely recommend and will surely come back for more!! "
"Katie was great to work with: great vocals! I flubbed on the job and didn't have a fully fleshed-out vocal idea. Katie did some great improvisation, and then I delayed the project by attempting creative vocal edits...."
"Another awesome mix from Jack! His first mixes are always on-the-money or super close, and in both cases he's really good at translating our feedback into the mix/changes we want. 11/10 would mix with Jack again."
"One more song completed with Fabian. It was awesome as always. I recommend!"
"He truly did an amazing job. He was able to bring my visions to life even if I didn’t do the best in explaining what it was I wanted. I highly recommend working with him and there would be no hesitation on working wit..."