Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Golden World Archive
If you are looking for a vocalist with a completely different sound then stop and take a look!
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Top Production and Mixing. Over 30 years experience in high profile studios in Bogota (Audiovisión), Miami (Criteria), and London (Abbey Road, The Premises, Britannia Row).
Adrian Carroll has over thirty years of experience as an Audio Engineer and has recently been successful as an educator and researcher in music technology. Adrian Carroll has had success in record production, radio and video post-production and has developed the ability to deliver services of exceptional value in the market place.
We Breathe Music, We Live Music And We Make Music!
I'm Matt Sylvester -- Director, Motion Designer, and creative swiss army knife. I approach most projects through a multidisciplinary lens, and I'm endlessly drawn to new and exciting projects.
Get your track ready to be heard with a quality, industry ready mix without breaking you pockets
Making music into a transcendent experience again.
Recording & mixing engineer
Experience top-tier analog and digital recording, mixing, and mastering at KMS Studio with pianist/producer Richard Kruza Jr. With over 20 years of expertise, we combine classic analog warmth with modern precision to capture the true essence of your sound.
Recent Successes
"Jimmy was just incredible. He took a song structure and his rearrangement of verses and chorus and his harmonies gave breath and fun to the song. HIGHLY RECOMMEND"
"Charlene was AWESOME! I had given her a tough assignment and she over delivered and sent along harmonies and ad libs along with 3 versions of the lead vocal. Her effort pushed me to step up my production game as well. "
"Always patient and willing to go the extra mile to make it perfect. A real professional and skilled engineer. 10/10"
"Emrah is super quick, efficient and professional. He really makes stuff baaang! "
"I'm so glad I contacted Tayler for the lead and BGVs on my demo track. She did an amazing vocal and really brought it to life. Very helpful throughout the project, checking in to confirm interpretation of the brief fo..."
"Andres was very communicative and delivered a professional product. Also, Andres provided me with insight on how to improve tracks better for mastering. Good advice! "
"Elliot is amazing! He's quick to respond and very fast and efficient at completing the work. I'm really happy with Elliot's services! Highly recommended for anyone looking for a great mastering engineer who's also a p..."
"Job well done! See you on the next song"