Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pete Rawcliffe
If you are looking for a vocalist with a completely different sound then stop and take a look!
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Putting the pants on your naked song. Taking it from stripped down demo, and adding all your underwear, clothes and makeup to make it look good in public. And I don't overdo it! www.audiodeacon.com for samples.
We create the vibe so you don't have to.
I compose hard-hitting and smooth instrumentals as well as write and record deeply felt lyrics and melodies. I can make a unique instrumental for singer-songwriters as well as Hip-Hop Artists and as a vocalist, I can bring out the best of any composition.
I can mix any genres and take your songs to the next level ! From pop to hip hop, soul to jazz, rock to metal, country to electronic dance music.
Producing with vintage gear, giving your song the 70s vibe!
Singer, songwriter, and producer based out of Nashville, TN specializing in pop, rock, and country.
Blending the rhythmic punch of hip-hop with the soulful essence of R&B, I craft dynamic mixes that ignite the senses and elevate your sound to a whole new level of sonic excellence
Your Pop, Rock, and Indie guitar's trusted ally: watch your songs get even more vivid colors and achieve the sound you always wanted on those six strigs.
Recent Successes
"Austin is gold, period. "
"Pino mixed and mastered my three songs very quickly and was always available to make quick adjustments as I requested. There was no limit to the revisions he would make, which was awesome and super appreciated. I w..."
"John is THE BEST!!"
"Pleasure to work with Leela. She's done a terrific job! "
"DLAY was an absolute breeze to deal with. Super friendly and patient and his production skills are second to none. I highly recommend DLAY and can guarantee he will ace any project. "
"Elliot is the king when it comes to mastering! He is always able to bring the right punch to my tracks at their final stage. Such a joy getting to work with him!"
"Perfect work. His work was amazing. He understand exactly what I need and want!"
"Amazing work "
"Rody has a truly special voice! A lot of emotion and edge. I'm really thankful as she took a lot of effort to get it just right "
"Janet W. Paul Cecchetti is a musical GENIUS! He turned my precious song, "The Kings' Queen" (The King Family's Queen), which had been online in a cappella form for years (with 10k views), and turned it into the exqui..."