Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Giovanni Boscariol
Manfred „Mani“ Pristas is an live and session guitarist in Switzerland with 30+ years of studio and live experience. He offers creative and tasteful guitar playing for live performances, session work and via online/remote guitar recording sessions to producers and artists everywhere.
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Mixing and Mastering are widely mastered by many studios. Coming from composing, sound design, and having over twenty years of experience on the technical side, I suggest a more subjective approach.
Ready to produce or mix your next piece of art! Am willing to work together online or in person if you're in Melbourne!
I love old school recording techniques, drums in big spaces captured with less microphones possible, recording on tape, I'm still convinced that the most important thing in a good recording is a good musician!
My job is to respect and serve the song and the music.
Mixing, custom production including pop, hip hop, rnb. Songwriting and Full records.
Ego free singer-songwriter eager to collaborate on your project. I like to make indie-folk with a touch of jazz, prog, and sometimes rock. I'm good at mucking around with ideas to produce an interesting twist to level up the production. Offering all-in full collaboration deals for compatible artists, or just tracking as needed.
I am a Session Pianist, Keyboardist / Auxarlies, & Bassist from Arkansas, for years I have been sharing the stages to Gospel Preachers, Gospel Artists, & also other R&B Artists. The goals is to inspired, learn, and to support any artists that will help me focus.
The best hip hop, rap, trap instrumental songs in the market!
Recent Successes
"First time working with Darren. What a talented performer! I am looking forward to the next one that is worthy of his talent!"
"This was my fist project here on SoundBetter and WOW I was really amazed! Mariami's vocals gave my track LIFE! She is the real deal y'all. Beautiful voice, very professional, and overall a great person do work with. ..."
"Five stars doesn't feel enough, Michael did a sterling job on my bass track and I'm very grateful for discovering such a talent on Soundbetter. Michael was consistent, professional and forthcoming, great coms and has ..."
"Ronaldo is a very creative musician, delivering some great rhythm parts on the keyboard and a very cool lead. He strives to make sure the client has what they need and communication was very good. I look forward to wo..."
"It's been an amazing experience working with a real pro like Vic on my project which is quite a large/complex one. The final product is absolutely a total upgrade to my original mixed/mastered version!"
"Fastest mix of a song we have ever done! Riccardo hit it out of the park for this new track. Well done my friend! always appreciate a chance to work with you. Wont have to wait to long until the next song. Cheers Ricc..."
"Very professional and excellent quality. He is extremely knowledgeable and breaks everything down for you in great detail. I will definitely be working with him more in the future "
"William's arrangement and playing for an original song was pure MAGIC! He is extremely professional and talented. No revisions needed. Nailed it the first time around. I highly recommend him. "