Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ghostwriter Music
Creative mixes and polished masters. Let’s bring that extra dimension to your song!
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I have a creative spin on anything I do. I am experienced with commission work in music and I am willing to go to the end of the earth to make sure you are happy with the final product. I love expanding on an artists idea and one of my favorite experiences is seeing a creative vision come to fruition in a manor that exceeds my clients expectations.
I have been producing music for 5 years and the last 2 years I've been working as a ghost producer. I graduated from Point Blank Music School and Icon Collective.
Specializing in Hip-Hop, Pop &Afrobeats. I offer quality quality sound with free revisions at an affordable price. Click the 'Contact' button above and tell me about your project, and send me your song so we can take it to the next level! Looking forward to hearing from you!
I am a female vocalist from the midwest but currently am living in LA and looking to collaborate with like minded people. I have an at home studio/producer that is equipped to make sure you can receive high quality vocals. Looking forward to collaborating soon!
I am a self-taught musician with 11 years of experience playing guitar, piano and composing. I started dedicating myself to music production 5 years ago composing songs of jazz, funk, and electronic music. I am totally open to good communication and to working conceptually with new artists
If you're looking for Guitars on your track that will make people take notice or If you are a singer/songwriter that is looking for an affordable but accomplished Producer and Mix Engineer then Hit me up
I Love getting to do what I do, playing electric guitar. Whether onstage or in the studio, playing guitar has always been a passion of mine. Over the last 17 years I have played for so many different christian artists (CCM) as well as for so many different churches/venues.
Male Hip Hop, Rap Vocalist/Songwriter
Recent Successes
"Working with Eileen is always a fantastic experience, of the highest quality, from beginning to end. The finished music is a joy to hear and I plan on working with her again and again."
"I provided Ryan with an instrumental track and general idea of what I was looking for with respect to topline and lyrics. He came back with a fantastic melody, poignant lyrics and a perfect vocal performance in the ti..."
"Thank You Riley, You are Fantastic! I love your mastering!!! You Kept the dynamics steady, punchy and clean. and your return timing is very professional, quick and on point. I will recommend to Many. Well done bro..."
"Sam did an amazing job bringing my latest track to life with a great live drum track. He knew exactly what to do to elevate what had been a programmed drum track and deliver something that sounds and feels organic."
"This guy is so kind and helpful, I walked in with a poor idea of a song and no clue what to do and he was patient and assisted me and gave me ideas and I just got my music and I am so happy with it!"