Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with genuine ashes
I'm kind of "old school" in my approach. It helps keep the "soul" of the music intact.
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Earport-media Team are Michael Schewe and Alexander Tonn. Audio Engineers (SAE Institute), Bachelor of Arts (in Audio Production)
Bradly Miranda is a Seattle-area producer, engineer, and musician. He has been based for the last 7 years out of Monkey Trench Studios in Bremerton, Washington, which is owned by MxPx’s Mike Herrera.
Get a Lit song today.
24 years in the business, worked with indi and major label artists alike. Own and run Ear Witness Studios and have had my hands on hundreds of songs. Multi-instrumentalist, guitar (Acoustic and electric), bass, mandolin, lap slide, banjo, dobro, keys, programming, perc. Credits span hiphop to pop, rock, bluegrass, jazz. Songs on TV, Film, Ads
Professional mixing and mastering services using a combination of analog hardware and digital processing to have your songs sounding their best for release. Over 10 years of professional experience. Any questions, just ask!
Mollyn4_ instagram
Allen Rix - Music Producer, Sound Designer and Mixing Engineer at Diamond Style, LLC
Berklee educated musician. 70+ million worldwide streamed EDM Kpop and Indie Pop singer, songwriter. Credits with SONY/ATV, Universal Music Group, Warner Chappell Music, top Video Games. 66k+ Spotify monthly listen.
Recent Successes
"I immediately got along well with Luke, i loved the help, idea and improvement he gave to my song, the revisions and the fact we worked for perfection together and good sound. 10/10"
"Another amazing job by Nicola. I had a track that I believed was unsalvageable, yet he was able to take it and create a better version than I would have ever hoped for. He is amazingly talented at mixing and mastering..."
"Thanks Shaley for yet another great vocal on a track - you always bring the magic!!! great to work with so professional and talented..the topline was great as were the Ad Libs and BVs...you *Diva* you!"
"Again great work!! Absolutely reliable and professional. Always satisified with the results. "
"Derek is a master guitarist, and he did a stellar job with my song. He also paid an extraordinary effort to get the guitars and track arranged beautifully - I truly appreciated the extra mile, and I'm looking forward ..."
"Bruno made a fantastic Pop Rock EDM Remix for my Pop Rock track and another Remix / Reinterpretation of another song of mine. Extremely excited to release these and hopefully , we will work together again soon! Thank ..."
"Top-notch mastering and great communication! Can't ask for more!"
"Ethan is a master musician. Fabulous vocalist and vocal arranger. On this song he did a solo rock version and he arranged and performed a lyrical version with my female vocalist. He has sung most of my album and will ..."