Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gabriel Tembo
Moses Choolwe Sinkondyobwe popularly known as Moses Choolwe is a Music producer, singer, rapper, composer and dancer in two words; a MUSICAL ENTHUSIAST.
Gabriel Salifyanji Tembo (Born December 28, 2005) known professionally as Gabriel Tembo is a musical artist. He is known for his album The Flute which was released on May 7, 2021. The Flute is Gabriel Tembo's first album and is a Hip-Hop/Rap album. His music is available on Youtube, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Tik Tok and more streaming platforms
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I am an experienced mix engineer, songwriter, and producer for multiple genres. I have worked as an A&R Rep for Marble Lounge Records and operate my own production company, Flight 321 Productions. If you want a young but experienced engineer, I'm your guy.
If it's Hip Hop related, I can help.
Mixing engineer, producer, musician from Poland. Living the sound, making it right.
I am a music producer in genres:Hip Hop,Pop,R&B,Neo Soul,Trap. I do professional arrangements, mixing and mastering. I am a professional guitarist and bassist. Recordings of acoustic, electric and bass guitars are made by me personally. Wind and keyboard recordings are also present and recorded by professional musicians with whom I work.
Music Producer with 4 years of experience / Order, creativity and dedication!
I have done it all from production, composition, engineering, and being a studio musician to marketing, developing, and mixing live sound. I have a great passion for the creativity behind making music. As a producer, I orchestrate the journey from concept to completion.
Versatile, I have years of experience, adding all the streams of my productions I have more than 100k streams, I work with logic pro and FL studio, I have a very unique sound, I can make music of any genre, without pressure, I respect your work, you respect my work, always a fair deal, whatever you need, or are looking for, contact me
Recent Successes
"Chris is a true professional. Extremely prompt in his communication, fast delivery of work and understood my requirements well with high quality delivery of work. I would highly recommend him and look forward to worki..."
"It's such an honor and privilege to be able to work with Sefi. He's the most talented, humble and nice guy you will ever meet in your life. I think every serious musician needs a great producer/mixer like Sefi. I'll ..."
"Working with Kuyano (Fabian) was a truly professional and incredible experience. He doesn't simply "master" your song and calls it a day, he will not only make sure that your song sounds as professional as it gets, he..."
"It's been a pleasure with Alvin! such a great brass section player and a pro! made my song so alive and big! "
"Another fun project, he is also a killing bebop player! "
"Working with Pilar was amazing from start to finish! The vocal melodies and lyrics she wrote for the song are PERFECT! What an absolutely beautiful and sweet voice she has, I love it! Her voice floats and soars above ..."
"Dexy is a mastering beast and a good person. I had problems with my system... Because my mix was making noise clicks... From the distance, Dexy helped me solve the problem by being very patient and committed. He then ..."