Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Funk Fiction
I am a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, arranger, and performer. I've written and recorded on tracks such as Haley Kiyoko’s hit “Sleepover," and Yuna's "Kiss the Moon." I've also worked with artists such as Baths, Robin Hannibal (Rhye), Yore, and Kevin Olusola (Pentatonix) in my work as a violinist and string arranger.
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Gabriel Galvin is a multi instrumentalist record producer and audio engineer in Brooklyn NY.
15,000,000+ Spotify streams / Major label credits including Atlantic Records, Universal Warner Music, Sony Music. Over 10 years of experience in production, mixing and songwriting. Very fast turnaround time. Specialising in everything pop / dance / hiphop.
Hey there, my name is Nolan and I have been a student of music production for four years now. I am fully capable of producing anything from a single to a full-length project. I can work in any genre but mostly specialize in hip-hop/rap and R&B/pop. I specialize in pro-tools but can use fl-studio or Ableton if necessary.
A worldwide well-known graduate program in Education Policy and also Technique (EdD.) in Education Policy as well as Method, a PhD in education policy and also Method, supplies trainees with both the academic expertise they require to advance their professions as well as the abilities they require to apply policies that improve educational method
Had been an assistant engineer in one of the Taiwan's greatest studios, Platinum Studio. Now, I want to start my own business with the skill and experience of audio engineering I've cultivated over the years by providing satisfying service for customers. Specializing in Audio Mixing, Editing and Noise Reduction.
Tightly recorded, final mix-ready piano parts for your song in any genre, recorded on an acoustic Kawai Baby Grand. A variety of software keyboards & synths are also available.
I Worked with Alizzz, Amaia, New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, Vasti Jackson, Lia Kali, Belén Natalí.
Producer, mix engineer and multi-instrumentalist with over 10 years of experience. Work with so many hip hop and EDM artists, over 10m streamings.
Recent Successes
"Wish I could give Lindsay 6 stars or more!The communication with her was great and she worked very fast!The result blew me away!She created an amazing melody on her own and got the feeling I wanted the song to have on..."
"Mr. Dom Hutton is a fantastic singer. It was a pleasure working with him, he is extreamly professional and his voice is amazing. His sound is extremely polished and professional - radio ready. Worth every penny!"
"Tyler Cain is a BRILLIANT producer, musician, and all around great person to work with. We so enjoy the music we make together. His ideas, creativity, and the quality of the work is top notch. And we mean top notch!!..."
"Thank you so much, for giving life and a heart beat to the song! Your trust and professionalism made me feel at ease, and you can't find too many out there like that anymore. Rock n Roll! Nakurmiik! (Thank you) From..."
"Super cool voice and producer with a talent for fresh productions ... "
"Second track mixed, mastered by Luyo and the outcome is amazing! He is great at making a track sound top quality, again I'm very happy with the results and good communication. Five stars!"
"Fantastic and timely mix once again. Everyone involved with the song is happy with Agustin’s work. Bravo!"
"Ziv did a quick change on a sound I needed. His first try of course was perfect. He would make a ton of money at the county fair as a mind reader! It’s astonishing how he understands exactly what you need everytime yo..."