Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fudasca
Working as a Bass Player for more than 10 years, I played all over Europe, China, Brasil and the U.S.A. I love my job and all of its subtleties, for instance, how a bass line can change the mood of a song. Demonstrator for the NAMM show 2019 / 2020.
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Experienced music producer and mixing engineer, looking to make some awesome music with cool people.
London-based Mix Engineer, transforming your visions into reality. Specializing in mixing across diverse genres including Rock, Pop, EDM, and Country.
Take your project to the next level with brass! Whether you are looking for subtlety, pyrotechnics or anything in between, I have the tools and experience to provide!
I Make Music For Cumin And Spice
My work is distinctive, creative, and exciting. If that's what you're looking for, let's talk! I'm here to help!
Austrian Music Awarded Artist, and pluri-nominated and charting artist, with the band Serenity
Big, clear and concise mixes at competitive rates.
SoluLab is a market-leading digital & technological solution provider with the upper hand in blockchain, AI, IoT, mobile applications and web development. Proudly recognised as the number one global enterprise blockchain development company, we have a prominent team of developers & designers displaying extensive experience in their domains.
Recent Successes
"Evan "understands" the song and how it should sound! Already booked for a second job!"
"Very honest guy, professional, dedicated and with a talent He is really good in all the steps. One the best person on sound better The vocals are amazing, great producer, great songwriter, amazing melodies If..."
"Stephen is an excellent vocalist! He is easy to work with, and goes above and beyond for the project."
"Our collaboration with Vincent is not the first one and each time this work is done with seriousness and the result is perfect... thank you very much Vincent; I am impatient to work with you again."
"It's always a pleasure to work with Simon. After several projects with him I am still coming back for collabs. He's really amazing to work with. His kindess, generosity, professionalism as well as talents makes collab..."
"Great work and communication! John will go above and beyond to make sure you get the sound you desire. Highly recommend. "
"Great result, amazing communication. Thought along and did several revisions to get to the result we were looking for :) Thanks Julian! "
"My second project with John went even smoother than the first one. He made it look easy and efficiently delivered top results as expected. I am thoroughly satisfied with working with him."