Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Freedom Movement
Award Winning Producer, Phoenix Clay, has produced hit music for countless artists around the World. Totem Audio has an emphasis on electronic music production for female artists, but works with artists of all genres to make their vision a reality. Using the most sophisticated synthesis techniques in the industry, we turn decibels into dreams.
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If you want a custom backing track for your vocal and don't want to hire eight people to get it done, you're at the right place.
Hi My name is Tal and I'm a Music Producer/Sound Engineer based in Las Vegas, NV. I have 27 years of experience in studios, producing, mixing and mastering to the highest standards.
Authentic, mystical ARABIC vocals from Heidi "Daddou" in Cairo! I improvise and add the oriental texture you are looking for on your track!
I have more than 10 years of experience as a singer in Buenos Aires. I sing mostly in spanish with genres broad as ethnical music, lyrical, tango, latinamerican folk and pop-rock fusion. I'm vocalist of the World Music Ensamble "Kunturi". I'm also founder of Kordmusik as a movie soundtrack producer, where I have also sung in motion pictures.
My name is Jonas Frank. I'm a Producer and Mixing Engineer placed nearby Stuttgart, Germany. I mainly produce German Pop-Songs and support artists throughout the whole process. Oftentimes we start from scratch and end with the finished production.
Creating lyrical masterpieces is my passion and I would love to be a part of creating your song. I can transform what you are trying to express into lyrics that your audience will love. I deliver unique, powerful lyrics for any genre. I am also skilled in creating catchy hooks/choruses and melodies.
Singer songwriter and lowprofile producer.
Crush your Mixes with our Rock and Metal Mixing!
Recent Successes
"I am very grateful to you Nicholas for the magic that you use when working on my music. You felt my music so much. We speak different languages but we understand the language of the music, regardless of the accents. I..."
"Shelley delivers great vocal tracks with a quick turnaround and is a pleasure to work with. Professional and pleasant communication and quality. I confidently recommend."
"well done, my man knows what he is doing. The job got done way quicker than i thought"
"Our song has a legendary sound because of what Nate has done! Amazing work, everything was spot on! If you want to upgrade your sound, Nate is The MAN! Highly recommended!"
"I have been working with Andres for years now and he delivers amazing masters each time! "
"Exceptional song writers. Their patience with me was unparalleled, which is something projects sometimes require. I will definately be working with them in the future because I love their style and work ethics. An at ..."
"Lauren is just an outstanding artist who always delivers the absolute best, time after time! Whenever you need vocals that are bathed in classic R&B vibes, Lauren is the one who brings it on home... such a wonderful ..."
"Alex is an expert at what he does and a pleasure to work with!"
"Another great vocal from Stephen! I've also had him play guitar on the last few songs, and his skills are excellent! I appreciate having his talents on my songs."