Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FREDYJACOBO
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I'm a soulful vocalist, songwriter, producer, and mix engineer. My personal mantra is "next-level excellence". Being queer and nonbinary, I want to give fellow LGBTQIA+ artists and musicians an experience that makes them feel safe, heard, and valuable.
I have worked as a Sound Designer since 2002. I support the imagery and cinematography through design and creation of sound, determined by the dramatic requirements. With sounds, noises and Tones I love to create atmospheres and touch the audience on the necessary emotional level always strenghthening and supporting the vision of the director.
I have engineered many tracks for artists that have been streamed several million times on spotify and youtube.
I deliver highly original, professional music and sound design for film, games and online media.
The Most Affordable Assignment Writing Services In UK
UK/South Korea #1 Songwriter will transform your song into something magical! Whatever your idea may need—lyrics, melody, backing track, production, mixing, mastering—let me help you with the final steps that make the difference between something that's simply ok and something truly spectacular and even commercially viable!
Your #1 songwriter
I'm a composer for 15 years, sound engineer, mixer and producer for 25 years and a pounding music lover for 143 years! I like frontal and warm sound, surprising arrangements, raw and organic textures. A song should be a journey, with multiples colours and adventures to listen to. I try to have that picture at the end anyway...
Recent Successes
"Amazing work! Her vocals fit the track so well, and she went beyond my expectation."
"Sometimes I know what I want for my song's percussion, sometimes I don't. either way, I can count on Larry to lay down some awesome takes and creative ideas!"
"Sam is a great Bassist, who brings his creativity to a project with minimal guidance. Bass guitar definately transforms your tracks :-)"
"Romy helped me on an urgent project for some vocals, literally last minute. I was impressed with her positive attitude to assist at the last minute even though she is busy with many other songs. The communication is ..."
"Working with John couldn't be any easier. I've done so many songs with him now that I usually have a good idea of which direction he'll take it, and then he STILL somehow manages to surprise me. "
"I am always short of words whenever I work with Paul. He is very versatile with astute understanding."
"Milana is amazing!!! I am so thrilled with how she brought my song to life. She is so fantastic to work with. Will definitely continue working with her!!!"
"Nate's the best."