Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Francisco Lovuolo
I´m a guitar player and teacher from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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I'm the son of a Luthier and a Composer from Wichita, KS. Need a composer who will craft a piece of music to fit your vision, then produce it for you using only instruments handcrafted by himself and his father in their home workshop? I'm your man.
Guitarist specialized in tango, Session guitarist, I create tracks
Professional session guitarist with a knack for production. I have backed countless Danish artists over the years, and written and mixed the theme-song to a Danish TV-show "Mit Fifty-Fifty Liv".
I am from Pakistan and love asian music mostly - the melody i can create is Indian and Pakistani style , i can write songs and also create beautiful melodies for song production.
Certifiied Audio Engineer and Composer / Sound Designer with over 20 years experience! Sun-soaked Punkrock instrumentals and Pop compositions that will make your commercial or scene GLOW. You'll be equipped to turn heads and captivate your audience with nostalgia and excitement.
Expert Banjo & Guitar Session Musician A skilled and versatile player, I specialize in delivering high-quality banjo and guitar tracks across all genres, from bluegrass to rock and beyond. Whether working remotely or in person, I adapt to your vision and ensure every performance enhances your music. Let’s create something outstanding together.
Recent Successes
"It's always a pleasure to work with Austin. Great mastering and top notch radio sound. Highly recommend!"
"THANKS AGAIN, JOEY! You can always counts on Joey's 100% effort and cooperation, no matter the task and the results are what you ask for."
"Andrew is pleasant, communicative, professional, and creative! He sent me several synth ideas that elevated my overall sound while complimenting the underlying vibe of the song. I'd definitely recommend him and would ..."
"Austin a top class high quality mix. If you want something done right he’s your guy. "
"Alex is a pleasure to work with!"
"His Mastering is Top-Notch clear and very tuned "
"The legendary Mark Prentice referred me to Mastermind, and I am so glad... Doug is a skillful artisan on a mix. The end result blew me away. Top it all off, he treated this "Small Indie," with the greatest of respect ..."
"Charlotte is amazing. Great to deal with. Great communicator. Amazing musician (guitars, synths, vocals). All delivered timely and give the song exactly what it needed. Can't recommend enough. I will finish as I start..."
"J.O.Y is very famous and talented. His toplines are very very good ! ! you will have not regrets to work with him ! full support"
"Great work! He is very professional and an expert in the field. Highly recommended."
"First time user here! Couldn't have asked for a better experience than with Dan to flesh out the tracks that I simply couldn't myself. In awe of how fast this guy works and he definitely delivers in just about every d..."
"Fantastic as always!"