Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Foxy Wombat
Passionate Audio Engineer & Producer experienced in a range of styles and genres.
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The Pie recording studios is designed to cater to independent and label artists alike while always achieving a major label sound. Multiple Grammy's and 1 Academy Award winning song have been produced at the Pie.
Songwriter, vocalist, keyboardist, guitarist, arranger
I help music feel alive in an overly saturated market. Mastering for French Montana, DJ Sluggo, Nicholas Jaar, The Happy Mess, and Ayo Jay. Winning APRA and Platinum awards, including nominations for Grammy, & Headies awards. EVERY PROJECT is a chance to shine, big or small. My mastering helps artists uniquely stand-out, Start a chat and let's talk
World famous audio engineer and sound scientist.
Full service recording studio offering remote engineering.
From lush, dripping Indie & Neo Soul to tight, focused rock. I love working with real instruments. Let's finalise the vision of your sound.
Freelance mix/master with fresh ideas. Let's see what we can do both musically and in the mix. A fresh perspective on that song you've been pouring over for months.
Hi, I’m Gaetano Di Mauro, guitarist, composer, and producer from Catania. I specialize in rock, jazz, and ambient music. I create unique soundscapes and offer guitar sessions, production, and cinematic compositions.
Recent Successes
"Jake did a fantastic job, wrote great lyrics to my song, exactly what I've expected (only much better:)), I couldn't be happier. I am sure we'll work together again."
"It was a great experience working with Judy again. Thank you!"
"Professional, understanding, experienced and efficient. Everything you would want and more when working with an engineer."
"So great to work with Arthur. We worked on a rock song together and the result is awesome !!!! He mixed it perfectly . The difficulty with Rock n’ Roll is to be true and honest but still sounding big. Arthur is really..."
"Ryan is far and away my favorite artist to collaborate with! His professionalism, dedication to each project and high quality results keep me coming back!"
"It was a pleasure to work with David. Even his first draft was fantastic. He has implemented the changes very precisely. he has good and very clear communication and works fast."
"This was a good experience. Chloe gave my track lots of energy and vibes, with her unique voice. Very clean and good vocal recordings/stems. Highly recommended"
"Hanna's vocals and harmonies were exactly what my song needed. Very prompt and professional with an amazing voice as well."