Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Foolish Trenton P
Specializes in writing catching ear worms over any track. Has over 100 songs in her catalog and has toplined over more.
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Hi, I'm Lee, an East London based Mixing and Recording Engineer. I have worked on FKA twigs' album Magdalene and also with Grammy Award winning producer Markus Dravs to name a few
I'm Ziv Gal, a professional guitarist, producer, composer and mix engineer. I've been working in all fields of music for over 10 years. I graduated a BA (hons) Music programme in Sir Paul McCartney's Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts at 2011.
• Your songs don`t sound good enough? • You can not find a good audio professional at a reasonable price? • Or maybe you want to improve the sound quality of existing project? Then you should contact me. My name is Sam and I am a keen audio engineer / songwriter / producer / multi-instrumentalist from the UK.
Over 13 years of professional experienced music producer, film composer, mixing engineer, vocal tuning, and track-tightening. Easy to work with, focused, positive, excellent people skills, clear communication, Produced music for a lot of artists & singers, Composed Soundtracks for Many Commercials, TV Series, and TV Shows.
Over 20 years experience with the philosophy "its the ear not the gear. ". Resume includes Sean Paul, Shaggy, Stephen Marley, The Roots, Common just to name a few
Super diverse violinist that's classically trained and masters also Irish trad, rock and pop and improv. Beautiful violin lines & punchy solos. Contemporary string arrs with a touch of Scandinavian coolness.
Looking for a catchy topline, professional female vocals or a full set of harmonies? I would love to help you out. As a singer and songwriter I have written and recorded over 200+ songs of varying style in studios all over Europe. I have experience singing and writing for pop, soul, rnb, as well as jazz, funk and rock.
I can produce your next song! Hi! Im Jesper! I have several aliases on Spotify and have over 30M streams on my productions. My music have been signed with may of the biggest labels like Soave, Magic Records, Hot Vibes, Hitkend, Warner Music Benelux and more!
Recent Successes
"I can't recommend Alex highly enough. He has great attention to detail, great quality of production, and a great vibe in all his ideas. He is professional and creative, I will definitely work with him again. "
"Chris is a very friendly person. Great professional! Working with him is a pleasure!"
"Very happy with what we ended up with! Drum tracks sound great, well played and recorded. Alex was very quick with responses to queries - over all great communication and great experience. Thanks Alex and look forward..."
"Tim was responsive, professional, and an absolute pleasure to work with. He showed me how to approach music in a different way. He helped me with arrangement, chord progressions, and took the time to carefully and met..."
"I love what he did with my track, I went left from my usual standpoint on how I write And do songs and this particular track I didn’t know how it would come out honestly; but Tyree really developed it into a track Tha..."
"Excellent and professional. Jonny has a thorough knowledge of everything music production and offers a brilliant service. Very impressed"
"Luis is a blessing and a pleasure to work with. After he had delivered an outstanding mix for my first track, he co-produced a second one with me - and also here he hit the ball out of the park. From my perspective, ..."
"Chris did another fantastic job, always making the song sound better than it has any reasonable right to sound."
"Ben provided the lead vocals and harmonies for three songs of mine with different approaches and emotional expressions. He met the briefs exactly, and did a beautiful job on all the songs. As before, his voice is pure..."
"Amazing producer! Will absolutely work with him again!"