Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Florian Heller
I dedicate my technical knowledge to an artistic purpose.
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a french Music and TV søund engineer (technicien søn en francais dans le texte), in Paris.
I just Mixed "Heaven" Giorgio Prezioso "Sony Music" Mix and Master Dj Ross Feat Kumi-La vie "bang Record" Mastering Nils van Zandt-Life Of The Party(dj Ross E Alessandro Viale rmx "Spinnin Record" and many Others...
Weird & Rebellious Music
Recording Artist, Hip-hop/Rap and Electronic Producer, Vocal and Sound Engineer.
Hey there! My name is Shai, I play drums, piano and produce music an I have been recording drums for many years with the obsession of finding the right sound and feel for every track. Would be happy to make music :)
Recent Successes
"Very great result on my mix & master... looking forward to working with them again."
"With our song, we wanted to tell a story. The vocals were the key to capturing the right emotion with enough power and depth. B delivered extraordinary results, not just because her voice is a amazing, but because she..."
"Joshua did an Amazing job on my song and I would recommend using him as he is a highly skilled producer that gives your song that Top Billboard chart sound! "
"Arthur did an amazing stem master and helped me bring some well needed life into the song, all in one day!"
"Really amazing results! It was really nice how he went over my mixes with me on the phone and gave me some changes to make on them so they would master as best as possible. Will work with Aaron again :)"
"Once again Mr. Pepe did a wonderful job with my song #Dametumanoamor which is available in all digital platforms for you to listen to his work. Thank you Pepe, I really appreciate all the hard work in detail into ..."
"Will played great and was easy to work with. I love hiring fellow producers because they play like producers and see the big picture. Fun stuff and will def do more! "
"If you want that subtle deep voice , THIS GUYS GOT IT , easy to work with "