Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Clamn Dever
I dedicate my technical knowledge to an artistic purpose.
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Professional Audio Engineer Martijn de Groot (AKA Still Sound). Resident Engineer at HAL5Studio Amsterdam Company Owner at Still Sound EU Specialized in Guitar based music (Rnb, Soul, Funk, Shred, Math Rock, Djent, Metal, Rock, and more!)
Over 16 years experience in the South African sound industry.
My passion for music began at an early age when I learned to play the guitar and formed a band. This hobby led me to develop my own skills in music production in a self-taught manner but also by taking part in a music production & sound technology course. Now, I have a fully formed 360° approach to developing music.
Our team is made up of creative minds that are fully dedicated to meeting the demands and needs of our clients with efficiency and professionalism.
Need a producer that listens to you and respects your creative input? Look no further. With my years of production experience and numerous collaborations, the ideas in your head become the record we produce. Playing drums for over a decade gives you a musician with experience others lack. No gimmicks, just groove.
SAE Institute Audio Production student. Using Protools.
Hello there! My name is Meir, and I am a professional musician from Israel with over 20 years of experience as a session musician. I have a deep passion for music and enjoy collaborating with other artists to create new sounds and experiences.
With over 20 years of experience in the music industry, I have honed my skills in recording, writing, and playing music. As a multi-instrumentalist, with drums as my main instrument, I bring a unique perspective to the production process.
Recent Successes
"Amazing engineer! JP performed editing (including time quantizing, vocal tuning, etc), mixing, and mastering for a rap song for my project. He got back to me in less than a day with an absolutely amazing mix+master. W..."
"Amazing dude who is true to his word. Cares greatly about your work and constantly keep you updated with the process. My music sounds even better than I expected and I believe strongly this is the guy you should come ..."
"Andrew was great to work with and was super accommodating to our revisions. The music he composed up was great, and I would highly recommend working with him. "
"Nice Artist! Reactivity and Quality is here."
"François was amazing as usual. Has impeccable ear and taste. Made my songs perfect. Honestly I cant believe how good they sound and some of my songs are quite difficult to mix but he made them sound awesome. I can't r..."
"Awesome work, bro!!!!!!!!!"
"John had the exact feeling I was looking for. Timely and professional! "
"Great vocal, well recorded. Super pro!!"
"Dibs is a very talented engineer and producer, he knew exactly where to take the track and enhanced it in everyway. Very happy with the results!"
"This is the 2nd song I've done with Ethan and both were fantastic. His lead vocals are emotional and capture the lyric extremely well, and his harmony parts are creative and perfect to drive the energy. I will definit..."