Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Flaccid Ashbacks
I like creating sonic worlds for songs to live in. Hybrid digital/analog mixing. 3 million+ streams.
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My name is Nicholas, I'm an audio engineer specializing in mixing and mastering trap and metal music. My latest reference of a mix is on "Graydread - Eremitic ft. Arthur Robinson".
I mainly operate from the IJland Studio and Studio Americain in Amsterdam
Eight #1 singles on South African radio and a win at the International Songwriting Competition within the last few years. Mixes and masters heard on radio stations around the world. Let's make a sick record together.
London based Bass Player here to help bring your song alive
Hey y'all I'm a published songwriter and artist in Nashville TN! I have multiple cuts on different artists on labels across town. That being said Id like to help other writers and artist grow in the mean time. Check out my my music on iTunes, Apple Music, - to get a taste of my work. Im laid back and easy to work with. Let's Write!
I create works of heart for clients and perfect them until they are "Smiley Approved"
I am an original songwriter. I can write the lyrics to Anything you put in front of me.
Recent Successes
"Amazing guy, I received one-on-one music lessons from him, and within the first 5 minutes I already felt like I learned an hours worth of information. Definitely would recommend Brian for all your musical needs! He ha..."
"Great Voice, superquick reply, great recording quality!!"
"I will be working with David again and again. This is exactly what I needed and I’m very pleased with the outcome. Great work and huge help!"
"Work with Candace right now. You can get her fabulous creations.:D"
"Julio César is truly a magician and utmost professional. This is my second time working with Julio César and I am so proud of the songs he has arranged and produced for me!! This time, I tasked him with arranging/prod..."
"veru glad with his work , he is very awsome , very good drumming skills and he work really fast ....thank you Hugo"
"I've been working with Mariano on 3 projects now. He has written very beautiful strings for me on From Her Home and Lita (I've already praised his work so much and you'll just have to hear for yourself: Spotify, Apple..."