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More than just another studio, and just another face. Established around the Baltimore area, Steel Studios is a knowledgeable and dedicated recording studio who is working vigorously to become known as a staple for the production of rock, punk, and metal. We’ll take the music in your heart and help you share it with the world.
I'm working on my own music projects on my own studeo. But look to work on others artists and producers, is just contact me to any collab.
Hello, I'm Mitch *My goal is to serve 100% with Excellence* I think all the different elements of music/audio is important, and I like being able to mold them and create them in a way that can touch people.
producer, performer, soundesigner, enginer
My music is a blend of different genres and influences, from hip hop to grime to dancehall. I like to experiment with different sounds and styles, and create beats that are catchy, versatile and original. I use various software and hardware tools to produce, record and mix my music. I’ve also brought AI art generation into the mix, which has on
Punch & Vibe
I am professional musician ready to deliver fully produced tracks for all your projects.
Recent Successes
"Such a great producer. He understood my ideas so well, the final result couldn't be any better. I'm so happy how the song turned out. I'm really looking forward to work with him again!!"
"Mastered my Hip-Hop track, very high quality"
"Once again, great job by The Crushboys! Fantastic interpretation of the original demo. Perfect revisions made per my feedback on the 1st draft and a home run on the final product! Please make sure you guys do busin..."
"Grant is a true professional and wonderful vocalist and multi-instrumentalist. I was so happy the last time Grant sung on one of my tunes he was at the top of my list for my recent project. He has a great range and to..."
"Mattias did a great job. His drum tracks, and pads are phenomenal, as well as his overall mixing/mastering capabilities. Highly recommended for Metal tracks."
"Dave is SOOO incredibly talented. All I did was give him a couple of references and examples and he did the rest. If anyone is ever looking for a producer, he's the man."
"DEVMO was amazing to work with. She is such an inspiration, an amazing talent, and a wonderful personality. I recommend anyone work with her if they want to get to the next level. The quality of her ideas, topline, ly..."