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Christian “_bayland” Baylon is an American record producer and recording engineer, best known for his love of coffee and fascination of the arts.
Performing and sing Back-up for various artists and or composers. Classically vocal trained and read music notation.
Longtime hip-hop and rock producer. Assistant Engineer under a Grammy Winning Mixer. Easy going and understanding. I have a passion for music and just want to help others with my skills.
Don't have anything big yet but there is a future
Let me take your song to the next level, with self taught knowledge as well as a Music Production degree I know how to achieve whatever it is you want, from Mixing & Mastering, to Music Production. With over 10 Million streams across multiple platforms and over 10 years of knowledge in music I'm confident I can get the job done, and done well!
Evren Göknar is a Grammy® Award and RIAA Multi-Platinum and Gold winning Mastering/Mix Engineer and bestselling author of "Major Label Mastering: Professional Mastering Process". After 25 years as a Mastering Engineer with Capitol Records, Evren founded EGM (Evren Göknar Mastering) where he offers exceptional analog mastering to discerning clients.
Skilled in all facets of music production. Mixing, Mastering, Editing, Comping, Synth Plugin Programming, Trumpet Playing, etc.
i make loud things louder and quiet things quieter
Recent Successes
"Mastered two of my tracks and added lovely character to both of them! He is professional and timely, yet friendly and invested in the music. A joy to work with... Nuff said."
"Beautiful voice and very professional. It was a pleasure, hope to work with Jolie in the future! "
"We are so happy with the mixing and mastering work Rob did on our debut single. Fast turnaround time, reliable and thorough communication, and very generous in answering our questions and talking through revisions. Wo..."
"I'm happy to be back working with Killen once again! Feels like home!"
"Another :-)"
"Absolute pleasure to work with Gary. Always delivers a superb tone and feel as well as accuracy. Look forward to working with him again"
"I hit them on the top line, and they were really fast. Despite my lack of explanation, it made me feel perfect. He was quick to give feedback and listened to all my requirements"