Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with farcry6
Latin Jazz & Salsa, bossa nova, bolero, funk, soul, old school RnB, producer, arranger, composer, pianist and singer.
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Producer and Mixing Engineer based in Cardiff. Send me an email if you'd like to know more, would be happy to answer any questions: dafydd@dafydd-thomas.com
I deeply apologize for not replaying last months, I've been very sick and I'll still be off work till January 2022. So sorry for the inconvenience. Latin singer and songwriter, with over 400 songs licensed all over the world and millions of plays in Spotify.
We love music and we love people! So much so that we basically live in the studio, working on all sorts of projects from writing and producing full songs (Pop, Dance, Reggae, Heavy Metal - yes, really) to mixing, mastering and pretty much anything we come across.
Specialize in various types of music/genres, no task is too hard for us to get completed as we're professional in every region/category possible. we're specifically here to bring your ideas to life the best way you'd want them delivered to you. we've professionally wrote for major artists as well as locally so this would not be a difficult at all.
Hello I'm Alexa Nenad. Recording live drums / perc, also MIDI drum programming Drummer, percussionist, producer, arranger with 30 years of live and studio experience.
Monkey has gone mad and become a man.
Dj y pruductor amante de las músicas negras.
I will help you get your song to the next level! I'm based in Portugal and my main genres are Rap, RnB, Pop, Indie, etc..
Recent Successes
"Tiffany is a really professional and outstanding songwriter. She works really fast and made my song sound much better, very professional. I loved her work."
"Kramer just mastered my fifth song, and he has not disappointed me yet. His work is STELLAR, and truly easy to work with. I would definitely recommend KRAMER if you need a mastering engineer with superior gear and a..."
"Enjoyed working with Chris......a true professional.....listened to how I wanted my song produced and delivered. He always returned my calls and seeked to provide everything I requested. Im looking forward to work..."
"A total genius in every way. Period. "
"Amit delivers guitar magic every time I send him a song. He is is such a musical genius. I am very glad I found him here on SB and I appreciate our collaboration very much. "
"Henry is amazing! He was so responsive, always did his best, considered every request I had for my project.. and did a lot more than I asked for. The vocals were very professional. Highly recommended..! "
"Super voice and versatile singer. Easy to work with and will definitely do more projects with."