Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ezurate
YOUR MIXES WILL SOUND ABSOLUTELY AMAZING IN THE CAR AND ON THE CELL PHONE. Your music will be soft and tight with emphasis on being organic - so it will BREATHE. I can master harsh digital recordings with an analog outboard rack chain or fully digital for well recorded stuff.
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Italian Sound Engineer, Electronic Music Producer, and Sound Designer. Actually working at Refinaria Estudios in Brasilia, and as Freelancer.
Hello, my name is Sergi Yaro and im a musician, vocalist, song writer, sound producer. I have been in music industry for more than 7 years now, with different roles. Now Im a freelancer and I do different kinds of audio editing, quantizing, vocal tuning, recording cleaning and mixing...
Dream Addix - Platinum-certified production duo, who built up a catalog of hundreds of songs with various writers. They are also known for top writing, including lyrics and melodies. DA' music styles varies from Pop, Urban and RnB to EDM, Trap Based in LA, they produce all styles of music for many different artists from all over the world
Hey i am a music lover and also an artist both in Spanish and English and i like to help out with 2 track mixing and mastering for the beginer artist or someone who just needs help with that. I am new to this site and honestly i would like to grow and help people who would like to take a chance on my service.
I create music that gets stuck in your head
Anastasia Santana is an autodidact audio engineer who within 4 months secured full-time positions at Orlando's top recording studios. She has engineering credits with Next Level Radio (98.5) and numerous artists in the Orlando area.
Recording & songwriting 10 + years ASCAP "KILL SEASON" EP Demos for various artists.
The Lord knew not to give me a good singing voice, otherwise I would've travelled the world doing live shows right now, instead I'm just writing poems & songs about feelings no one knows about.
Recent Successes
"Once again, Marc was awesome to work with. On my song, Desperate, he really framed the vocals in the right spots and framed the music in the right places. Extremely talented, kind and professional; a combination th..."
"Very good guy to work with. Quality of tracks is perfect and he keeps his word when he promises something."
"Tom was very fast and delivered a great master! He is a really god engineer and his communication is on point. This was probably the most positive mastering experience of all. "
"This was by far the smoothest jobs I have done on this site. I just told Chris what I was looking for and gave him everything I had and he just put them together like pieces of a puzzle! the results were amazing! He i..."
"Race says" love your well recorded high dynamic vocals - you can really feel the energy and you made the track sound so good thanks for your wonderful vibes!" mPHATic says "great vocals strong powerful believable - s..."
"Was patient and listened to all of our tweaks for our mix, great job! "
"Amazing joob Bro, Im very grateful for your job, the sound is perfect hit the spot, the basses is better now and the sounds in general are much more united. A very good texture is heard, I hope we can more good music...."
"Donal came up with some really nice and creative basslines that fitted well with our song and had a nice bass tone."