Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with EYM Trio
Experienced engineer and mixer with credits including Gorrilaz, Wolf Alice, Arlo Parks, Lous & The Yakuza, Francis Cabrel, dEUS, Loïc Nottet etc. Several years of work at one of Europe's top professional recording studios and my background in pop, classical and jazz music to allow me to technically and creatively achieve the vision of any artist.
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I've been doing music for a while now. Music is my life, forever will be! Its forever been my passion since i was lil. I am excited for yall to join me on this artistic journey!
Music is my passion and the center of all i go for.
I play 10 instruments, I've written dozens of songs, and I can create a customized beat to your liking with ease. Just tell me who you want to sound like and I'll take it from there. I'm a clinical psychotherapist as my full time career, and I'm good at capturing emotion in my work.
Werbe- und Filmmusik, Musikproduktion und Co-Writing. Frische Luft ist immer gut.
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I've worked full-time in music production and audio engineering for over 6 years now and worked with multiple local artists to create their own unique musical presence.
What I can't offer in accreditations, I can offer in accomodations. I am an engineer with six years of professional experience both in studio and in venues alike. Local metal consumer.
I'm a producer based in Lima, Peru. Want to take your song to the next level? Let's do it together.
Recent Successes
"I really enjoyed working with Daniel especially for his listening, his advice and his work!"
"Definetely one of the best singer! Very professional and talented, she will turn your song into a fire one! "
"Deon was very helpful and seemed to care a lot about my project!"
"Excellent cooperation! Ruby translated the lyrics in Spanish,and added a poetic approach! The meaning remained the same,she is a wonderful lyricist! Additionally, her interpretation was very colorful and emotional,wh..."
"phenomenal job once again!"
"Zach is awesome. I really enjoy working with him he is very creative and easy to work with. I highly recommend working with Zach! I look forward to working with Zach in the future. "
"Anthonys a living legend, everyone looking for top quality needs to work with him. "
"Third round...Dustin continues to knock it out of park!!! Fast, accurate and with edited with total music sensitivity. Gets it on the grid but leaves it feeling musical!!! Awesome work!!! "
"Jaro, is a fantastic engineer. He did an outstanding job mixing our song and was patient in getting the best sound out of our song. I would recommend Jaro for any heavy metal mixing and mastering "