Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eva Angel-Fox
Unlock the Power of Your Sound. As a professional mixing and mastering engineer & producer, I specialize in transforming raw tracks into polished, radio-ready & streaming-ready hits. With the use of both analog and digital processing, I bring your vision to life, ensuring every element of your track appropriately shines through.
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I know how the heavy stuff should sound and eat metal mixes for breakfast👊
Lead singer/songwriter and music producer for British Alternative Rock Band Heyzeus. 4 Million + Video Views, 100K+ Streams on Spotify. Happy to lay down some killer lead rock vocals, write you a top line, or help you produce a full on rock track with all instrumentation. New to Soundbetter =)
A few notable songwriting achievements: * nominated for Swiss Music Awards "Best Hit" for the song "Empire" 77 Bombay Street *co-wrote the official song of the Swiss Woman's National Soccer Team, "United In Red" - Rachel Rinast *co-wrote the official Swiss Song for the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea "Hurry Hurry"- Baba Shrimps
EPIC that's what you want your project to be and that's why you're getting in contact with me!
I am a musician, producer, mixing and mastering engineer, resident in Brazil. Graduated and post graduated in Mixing and Mastering. I also have extensive experience in tuning voices. I specialized in working in the genres of pop, rock, metal, jazz, blues, R&B.
Badass strings for badass things.
Welcome to Johann ZU, the solution to all your mastering and mixing needs! My name is Johann. I’m an Audio Engineer with a couple of decades of audio work on my shoulders.
Multi-instrumentalist / Singer / songwriter / producer
Recent Successes
"Fred is great to work with. He provides quality work and also is quick to get back with you and respond to any questions to get you on the road to a final product."
"Jazelle is a great collab partner that takes great care of my projects. Will never stop to work with her!"
"Yoed is an easy person to work with and fast with his delivery. Very accurate with his work. The recording equipment and room acrostic treatment is excellent which provides you with a clean sound which will save me..."
"I love the mixing of François!! He is very professional and fast, and also give me surprised every time~"
"Gave Grant a try and he nailed it. He tapped into the melody and really did a great job for us. We will definitely use him again. Supper talent, and affordable. It's a nice combination! "
"It was a great experience working with Mechi and the result was awesome! I highly recommend it and I hope to repeat soon!"
"Josh is a great mixer ! I really enjoyed our collaboration.I also really like his human approach, very professional, very attentive, good listener and creative at the same time. A huge thank you Josh :)"
"Craig will elevate your tracks. He always has great tone, fast turnaround times and can read charts like a book! I've worked with him twice this year and will definitely be back again soon. You owe it to yourself ..."