Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ethnos Worship
Get Pro Guitars tracks for your Pop/Rock song.
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Dj Undoo Best Hip Hop Dj/Turntablist from Romania, Producer, Sound Engineer, Promoter
Márcio Silva it’s a producer, musician and sound engineer (studio and live). He is working professionally in the music business for more than 15 Years. He mixed for most of the top Portuguese artist. Now, he want to extend his work.
35+ years of experience in session bass, (arranging, tracking and engineering) for solo artists in the genres of country, adult contemporary, Christian and singer songwriter (and more!) My most famous client is Steve Wiebe (protagonist in the “King of Kong” movie)...
Classical cellist
I'm a third-generation professional musician and producer with many different skills in the media industry. I've been involved in the industry since early childhood when. I graduated from music school with a Drums&Percussions specialty. Produced 100+ original music tracks and worked with artists from Europe and the US.
Electronic Music Producer and Mixing Specialist.
Recent Successes
"He is very professional and has great communication skills! I would definitely recommend and come back =D "
"Bruno absolutely killed it! He was super professional and patient as this was my first time using the platform. He delivered an amazing performance for a job that had a very very quick turnaround! I'd definitely hire ..."
"AMAZING!, quick process, Happy I found Luis, definitely my Go-To from now on."
"Everything went smoothly, high quality sessions drums, and fast delivery."
"Larry is an amazing communicator and he is ready to try different approaches. On this order I had Larry try a few different approaches to see what I liked best and in the end we landed on the best percussion approach...."
"Jaki is absolute fantastic, she exceeded our expectations on delivering quality work, and went out of her way to ensure our needs were fully met! Looking forward to more such collaborations with Jaki in the future! "
"Great working with TJ, very professional and did a superb job"
"Austin is an absolute boss. Don't be a fool and just work with him cause he's great in every respect."
"I asked Eyal to play flute on three songs. On all three, besides excellent articulation and intonation, Eyal captured the essence and mood of the songs. A pleasure to work with! "