Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ESSEBE
Media Composer based in Belgium, specialized in vidéo/movie scoring.
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I'm a Sardinian music producer & sound engineer whit 10 years of experience. I am part of the team "we made it" (check it on FB - https://www.facebook.com/theonlywemadeit).
Put our experienced and inspired professionals behind your next production and ‘wow’ audiences with superior sound quality, design, and mixing. HSR Audio is the studio trusted by discriminating producers, directors, and game designers to craft truly memorable audio experiences able to build powerful scene momentum, underscore action, and evoke emot
Hi I would like to help you Mix Music has been apart of my life for a very long time and I highly enjoy it
Upcoming Company working with genres from R&B, Rap, Edm, Pop and A few More. We've writing songs, produced, and had our hands in artist development. We work with a in-house engineer who mixes, masters and arranges musical composition. Let us assist you with your dreams.. Contact us and Follow @endmusicgrp on Instagram and Twitter
"Music is Engineering, and Engineering is Music"
Production, mixing, mastering, co-writing, and guest performance with music charting on a top 5 Billboard independent release.
Helping unique artists realize their potential through creative production and mixing. Specialize in dark or alt pop, and hip hop, anything escape room. Genre's are crazy today and Im open to anything so show me what you got!
I'm Aline, a ghost writer lyricist, ready to write the perfect lyrics to your acustic, pop or eletronic song. If you'e looking for a deep and heartfelt lyrics to you song, I can help you with that! I can work with the ideas you brief me, or if you already have some lines or a chorus, I can turn it to what you wish for.
Recent Successes
"And again Talia not only fulfilled all our expectations, she exceeded them. We are pretty sure to meet her again for another project more sooner than later. Booking her means booking the Best!!! Extremely recommended."
"An inspired and intuitive artist. A professional from start to finish. Have Scott work on your music and I promise you'll be beyond happy with the results."
"Amazing results, and awesome to work with. Will absolutely work with Austin again!"
"Josh is the best mastering engineer I've had the opportunity to work with. He communicates well to ensure he understands the vision and that he has everything he needs to thoroughly complete the job. "
"Working with Max was a pleasure. He took my (30 track) rock song ... and polished it way beyond my desk skillset. I'd taken it as far as I could but Max lifted it higher, wider and more expansive, while tightening it ..."
"Trey is ALWAYS so easy and fun to collaborate with! His talent and keen ear takes song to the next level!! We had a lot of fun making this track and I can’t wait for more! He’s the GOAT and vocal production and he has..."