Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with les nuits des bassins
Media Composer based in Belgium, specialized in vidéo/movie scoring.
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Here at Three Crown Studio, it's all about great experiences, high quality service and making awesome music!
Certified-Platinum Producer (Two platinum records / 1 album & 1 single)
I am a bassist with 27 years experience in performance and recording in various genres that range from rock (alternative, progressive, metal, and pop), country, Cajun & zydeco, blues and jazz. I have been involved in several recording projects over the years done in high end studios, artists' apartment, and in my own house. Come see what I can do!!
🏆 Grammy nominated Multi-platinum Producer / Engineer, experienced in Electronic and Indie genres. As a musician myself, I have a deep understanding of the creative process and enjoy being the extra technical brain that helps artists reach their end vision. Fully qualified with Diploma in Audio Engineering & Music Production.
Aspiring to collaborate and see where things go, new to this but ready for new experiences.
Representing the digital future of design for creatives.
I joined Soundbetter to help peoples tracks sound better!
500,000 + Spotify Streams / Major label credit with KREAM (Atlantic Records) / Featured on radio (Spin Ireland)
Recent Successes
"What can I say, there's a reason why I keep coming back for more - superb vocals by Kristal! Whatever the song, Kristal makes it her own, whilst keeping mindful of the original vision.. I've said it once and I'll sa..."
"The song is amazing. Great Quality. Reminds me of the days when Producers, produced. This is A Master. Thriller is my favorite album and this is reminiscent of Quincy Jones eske Quality. Well done, sir."
"Great & fast mastering! "
"Another project I've worked with Ziv that I'm proud of Ziv provided me the top quality track I needed when I needed it, under a big pressure. It was truly a pleasure working with him! Looking forward to next time! ..."
"Another stunning performance from Mr. Chandler Mogel! Look, i recorded an album with this singer 2 years ago n since then Mr. Mogel has been the only english speaking musician i would work with. The guy is amazing, a ..."
"It was so awesome working with Patricia. I feel like she had a clear idea of what I wanted and created an awesome track for my song. I can't wait to work with her again."
"Very professional, the masters sound amazing. Thanks again."
"Raena really hit the mark on this project. Her voice brought the song to life. Communication was a breeze: she was quick, open to feedback, and provided exactly what was needed. If you're looking for an incredibly ..."