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Esk Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Esk
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Producer & Songwriter | Mainstream Pop, Synthpop, Modern Country | www.antisongs.com
I'll professionally edit, mix, and master your songs
Sound Engineer/Producer/Mixing Engineer.
We specialise in Reggae, Dub, Ska and all crossovers. From recording, to dubplates, to mixing services to Mastering.
Volnočasově se věnuji DJování, FlStuidiu atd., Jsem podnikatel a zároveň pracuju jako technik pro společnost Nestlé Česko. Jsem hrdým tatínkem syna Vojtěcha
I'm a producer and mixing engineer with extensive experience in composing for theatre, podcasts, writing for jazz quartets and releasing electronic music under my moniker "Wildkamp". I specialise in interpreting your vision from scratch, and making your music sound the best it can.
From grunge rock to soothing jazz, I want to help you create the best sound and product possible. I’m open to any and all work, no matter how simple or how complex. I love working with people and creating art.
Recent Successes
"This man is a totally hard working amazing man, I thank you so much for helping me out when I had a rocky situation on the hiring process. If someone would come up to me and said "I need someone to write a song for me..."
"Evie's voice is out of this world, I envisioned a song somewhere between Kate Bush and FKA twigs as ideal range of sound, not only she got there, she went beyond as her sound is unique. I'm so happy with the results a..."
"Austin was awesome to work with. He really listens to any notes you have on the mix and perfectly implements them! Will definitely be hiring Austin again in the future. "
"Yet another great collaboration. TRUTH brings fire every time and really cares about the project. Do yourself a favor and hit that contact button on her profile, you will thank me later. "
"Camille Marche’ is a incredible Artist to work with ..Camille Is really great what she does ..Camille really listens and follows instructions Very well..If I could give Camille 100 songs to sing I would ..Camille Mar..."
"Awesome producer, highly recommend!"