Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Emily Williams
When inspiration meets technology magic happens.
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BAM is located in the heart of downtown Chicago Illinois and is committed to providing its clients with world class sound and service.
Ampla delivers professional music production work done in Logic Pro X and Ableton Live. Everything mixed & mastered in treated recording studio with hq studio monitoring system.
Session violinist and violist, with 20+ years of recording, engineering and writing experience. My tracks focus on delivering the best performance with emphasis on sound, rhitmic precision and energy, to give your strings a power boost. My goal is to serve the writer's vision and enhance the song.
Songwriter in German and Englisch, Remixer for Dance Style Songs, Expert in German typical music (Schlager, Party)
15 years of production experience, mainly in house genres. 100 million Spotify streams under my own projects and millions of streams in co-productions, ghost writing and mixing.
Need a professional Guitarist or producer to help you with your project? I got you covered. I'm a Hiphop, RnB, and Jazz guitarist and producer graduated at conservatory
Producer, mixing and mastering engineer
Recent Successes
"Naomi is professional and delivers excellent quality!"
"Angelsson did an amazing job with my song. He took it to a whole new level and worked with me through the whole process so I understood and agreed with his approach. The result was way beyond what I thought was possib..."
"Great singer"
"It was again a great experience to work with Aaron. I don't know any other mixing/mastering engineer who is so accurate to what you have in mind. I think I have worked with him 10 times now and I will definitely choos..."
"Incredible mastering on my track. James truly brought richness, dynamics, and feeling into the overall sound. Totally blown away by the final edit. So happy. I will be using James for all mastering + mixing needs. "
"I shared a demo track with Marcus, and he worked wonders with it. He skillfully expanded on my concept, transforming the song into something truly beautiful... His exceptional writing skills truly shine. If you're see..."
"Rob is the best "
"Megi has unbelievable vocal skill, and She brings passion, creativity, and depth into her vocals! She's also very professional and a pleasure to work with! Great at communicating! "
"Nick has a really beautiful voice, reminds me of Bono. And he is a really nice person too, always took my advice for the track. 10/10 vote for him."
"Matt is extremely fast and knows exactly what the artist wants, which in my case: the master. Fast communication and honest. Will definitely be working with Matt again. "