Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Emanuel
Based in Los Angeles, CA, Marwan is a funk, RnB, and pop guitarist. He's worked with artists such as Savannah Christina, Emanuel, and Jessica Domingo, and is here on SoundBetter to provide high-quality music for other creators. His goal is to create parts that always add to and serve the music first.
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"Guitarist since I was seven..."
Finish your songs with outstanding lead and backing vocals and more...
“Where words leave off, music begins.” – Heinrich Heine
Based in Los Angeles, CA, Marwan is a funk, RnB, and pop guitarist. He's worked with artists such as Savannah Christina, Emanuel, and Jessica Domingo, and is here on SoundBetter to provide high-quality music for other creators. His goal is to create parts that always add to and serve the music first.
Double bass player, he plays w/ Vinicio Capossela, the best Italian folksinger actually and has recorded with him for Universal Music with Marc Ribot, Alessandro Stefana, Jim White (P.J. Harvey). His goal is to bring contemporary techniques for double bass into popular music while respecting the composition, his style and what the music requires.
Hi my name is Emanuele Giorgetti, I'm a session Drummer based in Italy with more than 10 years of experience.My specialization is in hip hop drumming and hip hop.
Music Producer and Beat Maker. I will turn your ideas into music by working closely with the artists and trying to capture all their feelings
Experienced session drummer. Recording drums track for your song, Remote mixing.
Recent Successes
"Amazing job as always, always very patient, communicative, on time and perfectly mixed the song how I wanted !"
"Incredible mixing and mastering, as always!!"
"Third time I've worked with Danny. The whole package as a musician, technically wise, emotionally prudent, knows how to interpret as no one else. Five stars!"
"Nick is a real gem! One of the most patient, skilled, and exacting people we've ever worked with. The mix sounded amazing, and made even better by the fact that's he's just a great guy to interact with! It really blew..."
"Claude did an absolutely amazing job recording horn for a piece of mine. He recorded everything in pristine quality and definitely brought my song to a higher level. Very nice communication and excellent result. Highl..."
"Lucie was great to work with and came in ahead of the deadline! Thank you! Highly recommended! "
"Gabriele did the guitar arrangements for me. The guitars sound very good, professional full sound. Very good quality! Very good cooperation, he listens to what is said, his approach is fully professional."
"Brittany is a pro and her first vocals are often THE vocal! She knows just what to do with the melodies, and is dead on with pitch.Added to my list of pro vocalists to use on my songs!"
"It was a great pleasure working with Austin, he is kind, patient, extremely professional, and instantly understands what the music needs. I’m looking forward to the next track to work with him again !"