Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ell Chimu
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Featured in Le Petit Chef by Skullmapping and Motel Acqua by DMM films.
A multi-platinum recording studio & its team offering you their services to create your next hit. With on-site engineers and producers, we can quickly and efficiently help you make a radio ready track.
Co/Writing, LEAD and Harmony Vocals, TopLining and Guitar all recorded from my home studio. Co/Written and written songs that have been played on CBC,BBC,RTE and other stations around the world. Has worked in London, Nashville, Toronto, Dublin, Belfast and LA.
Let me produce your next EP or LP!! I have music archived, beats available for sale. Having a hard time writing due to writers block I have songs that you can use.
I'm an electropop singer/songwriter/topliner from Switzerland.
Was signed to Sheer Music Publishing SA, was signed to JVC Records, Ireland. My song "Destiny" made the top 5 international hits on East Coast Radio and stayed there for 3 weeks.
I'm an expert in playing and programming analog and digital synths, in addition to being an accomplished keyboardist, guitarist & bassist. I'm a member of UK electronic pop band Metronomy, record/produce my own music as NZCA LINES and have recorded and performed with French pop star Christine & The Queens.
Recent Successes
"Great friendly and professional really good at mixing/mastering Metal-music very pleased about the final result"
"Timmy's guitar playing is fantastic! He needed very little time to send me different variations. He's very creative and provides great service. Thanks, Timmy"
"Was is amazing "
"Mella is a true professional. She has an outstanding voice, dead-on pitch and timing and just a joy to work with in general. Turned my track around in light-speed. I truly hope i get the opportunity to work with he..."
"Easy to work with, her communication is great, and her voice is amazing."
"What an Amazing experience. Mixx was very professional, punctual and totally dedicated to the project. A true artist with a beautiful voice! Thank You so much MIXX!"
"Ezel is very intuitive and added tracks to a complicated jazz/pop piece that was daunting to other keyboard players. My own keyboard player couldn't get the complex patterns and the interaction of the melody with the ..."
"Insightful and professional as always!!"
"Truly amazing to work with! The finished product absolutely blew my mind. I sent in a song to get vocals put on it and Chris did such an excellent job of integrating his style into my song."
"so happy that i got to work with Matt! awesome mix, super fast and great communication. can´t wait for the next one! thank you so much"
"He gave me multiple revisions and was very nice. My song sounds 10 times better!!!!!"