Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with El Club Kollektive
Responsability, good audio and commitment to music.
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Powerful, versatile vocalist and songwriter. Worked with Goldie, Lenzman, Todd Terry and Gorgon City on their top 10 UK Album. Several sync placements on Oprah's OWN Network.
Mixing vocals with harsh in your face ;)
I find so much joy in writing, discovering, and working with clients who have their vision. I have hundreds of credits across major TV networks (MTV, E!, Lifetime, Oxygen, etc). I work across genres but strongest in metal, rock, worship, country, and contemporary film scoring.
Slime Type Beats
Get your music enhanced by one of Swedens popular mix and mastering studios.
Music Producer ' Sound Engineer
Shalom Beatz (Shalom Albano) is a Mozambican, alternative and versatile producer who produced songs with over 15M of streams. He started his career in Angola (2018) dedicated in innovating the sounding around his community (CPLP). With various successful productions in the Angolan Market, he has now become one of the best young producers in the cou
I have many original pieces ready to be sampled for hooks
Recent Successes
"Glad to work with Esof Records for the mix & mastering of our single. Even though we processed it across the world from Bangkok to Rome, but they did it well with great communication and very flexible. Their effect..."
"Once again Robert has been wonderful to work with, he's invaluable when it comes to polishing up my songs, while also patiently answering my questions along the way. Absolutely looking forward to my next project with ..."
"Super impressed with Justins skills as a guitarist, producer and multi-instrumentalist. Justin took a song that needed a lot of development and pulled up way above what I thought the ceiling for that song was. Thanks ..."
"Marcelo did an amazing job on recording drums and percussions for my song! he gave the song a great feeling and it only took 2 takes. I will definitely work with Marcelo on my next tunes, I highly recommend him. Than..."
"Professionalism A Quality A Sound A"
"Fantastic. Will work with again."
"Was a pleasure working with Jeff. He was friendly and really transformed my track, especially the vocals into a professional sounding recording. I'm super happy and will definitely use Jeff's mix/master service again!"
"Andres is the best! 5 star in all areas and the added feature of mix coach puts him over the top! My only regret is that I did not meet Andres years ago! You now have a life long client, thanks so much from the "Music..."
"Absolutely stunning mastering. Jonas made my mixes explode. Sounds so high quality. Brilliant!"
"Consulted me as a producer. Very talented. Very inspiring. Great experience."