Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ekaterina Lattik-Kaykhanidi
I have bachelor degree in sound engineering and more than 7 years of mixing and mastering. My main principal in job is to find something unique and special in each piece and each artist and reveal it through my work.
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Im a season sound engineer and currrently studying Sound. $50 Per song for mixing $60 Per song for mastering
I have worked with every style of music with vast experience as both a recorder and mixer. Former owner Windmill Lane Studios Dublin https://www.windmilllanerecording.com/
My beats are blowing up, just hear it!
I am a guitarist and multi-instrumentalist based in Nashville! I studied contemporary Guitar and Songwriting at The Frost School of Music at The University of Miami and have over a decade of professional guitar experience. If you're looking for someone who plays guitar from a music theory POV rather than a lick-based POV, we might be a great fit!
Hard-working and reliable audio engineer and multi-instrumentalist, experienced in production and post-production. Offering attention to detail, creativity, and passion. Highly organized, productive and punctual with a team-oriented mentality.
Music Recording Studio located in North Hollywood.
Music producer with ghost jobs, from grabbing an interview audio to make it a song, to doing a version of a well-known song and making it go viral.
I am a pro studio and touring drummer with over 20 years experience, who has recorded hundreds of drum tracks for artists all over the world and toured and recorded for Multi Platinum selling artists.
Recent Successes
"I can't imagine working with another Producer. John always delivers and knows exactly what I'm looking for. thanks John for really delivering on the last several projects!"
"Jemini is a pleasure to work with! Excellent work!"
"Arkitek is one of the best out. Great contract and very insightful. I recommend anyone who is looking for the right help to come to him. He has enough wisdom besides heart to get you what you need and want. Thanks Ark..."
"This is my 5th song working with Greg, and I have confidence in his work and him as a person with integrity. Respect!!"
"The best cooperation I have ever experienced. He is professional in all respects. Do you need the best master? Stay in touch with Camilo!!!"
"Another project completed with Dennis! Great work, will use again! Thanks!"
"Brail is real pro with an amazingly good voice! He delivered all the vocals just as I wanted at the very first attempt. It was easy to communicate with him and his performance is mind-blowing. He have turned my song i..."
"Arianna blew my mind with her vocals on this song. I have hired Arianna before, but truly-she brought a whole new sound and feeling to her vocals this time! Amazing harmonies, amazing feeling with her singing. She's ..."