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Eheliyagoda Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Stephen Foeller, I'm an Audio Engineer/Producer from San Antonio, Tx. I have been producing/engineering for over 6 years now. Let me know how I can help your music become Studio Quality Level.
My name is Nick Booth, and I make your tracks sound like a song.
Hello There Musicians Studio is equipped with top-notch modern equipment. Massive experience and a top equipment achieves the best sound in available budget. Realize your creative ideas!
I'm an experienced music producer and artist from the UK. I love hip hop and electronic music and have been making music from both styles for some time now. Check out my SoundCloud for tracks produced entirely by me.
We do all-things "studio". And we love it.
Hey! I deliver fantastic vocals with bang-on pitch and a fast turnaround. I'm great at taking direction and can manipulate my tone to suit the style you're looking for. I can do everything from a big rock belt, to a high soprano (top E!), to soft and breathy, emotive, country, musical theatre.
I'm an Ohio-born pedal steeler Down Under working as a touring band member and studio musician working with some of Australia's most exciting up and coming alt-country artists. I love adding steel to tracks with my subtle style, which is ideal for backing up vocals and adding that little bit of magic to a song that only the pedal steel can provide.
Experienced Rhythm, Lead and Finger-Style guitarist in multiple genres from Rock and Heavy Metal to Folk, Jazz, Blues and World Music. Hello! I'm David, a professional musician from Scotland, currently based in The Netherlands. Here is some information about my experience/career:
Recent Successes
"Riley is so patience, kind, dedicated and amazing!!! Just one demo and he nailed it already! Looking forward to our next song!!"
"Great work! Great recording quality, got it finished on time and was happy to take care of a couple of my requests for revisions. "
"PROJECT Arlis wrote song lyrics and song music inspired by a self help blog article I liked. COMMUNICATION Arlis proactively reached out to me to let me know when he: -- 1 -- was going to read the blog article ..."
"Mike Makowski is just an amazing person!! Unbelievable skills would be an understatement!! Super professional job on every level!! Always a pleasure to work with Mike!! I strongly recommend Mike Makowski to any one wi..."
"Ayrian was professional and easy to work with on this gospel tune. Will use again on our next song. Thanks, Ayrian."
"Great communicator. Open and receptive to feedback. Performed great sounding parts. "
"Rob did a great job with my song even though i didn't give him any directions in what i wanted out of the song. So he had "free hands" and it turned out great! He knows what he's doing!"