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Edinburg Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Werecordyoursong.com helps songwriters realize their musical dreams by providing a professional song demo service at a reasonable price. If you need help turning your lyrics into a song or have a finished song and are lacking in a professional radio quality sound we can help you!
Hi there, like many of you i am working in the nicest buisness on this Planet. The music buisness. As a music producer and guitarist I am ready to take care of your song from the first idea until the ready mastered song. The music style I am specialized in is Contemporary Gospel/Church Music.
More than 20 years of experience in audio and video.
Making amazing music, fucking amazinG.
I’m pretty down to earth. I’d love to help you create whatever music you want to.
When it comes to production, I believe that I bring something different to the table.
It's all about music. With more than 35 years in the music business on my back, I still love to create. So let's create together...
Professional singer with years of experience. My unique tone fits so many genres like Pop, R&B, EDM, Afrobeats, Jazz and more. I deliver top-notch vocals with industry-standard gear. Also I'm a songwriter/topliner, ready to craft melodies and lyrics that elevate your record if you need me to. Let's get it!
Recent Successes
"Very proffesional and skilled. "
"Shes great! Using her again right now. Very smooth/cool/chill voice! Great lyric writer as well."
"Very fast, professional, and easy to work with! "
"Beautiful work as always!"
"I can’t say enough great things! Superb job, quick turn around and obscenely easy to work with. The mix sounded great and the vocal editing was fantastic. So glad that I found a new resource on SoundBetter!"
"HC Studio understood my vision and nailed it! They got the track sounding just the way I intended and supplied me with everything I needed. Thanks guys, we'll be working together again soon."
"Hey Chris Once more - a great job! Thanks a lot for being a part of this song! And I'm looking very forward to the next one(s). 'til next! Best, Chris"
"DEVMO did an amazing job on my track!. Massively talented singer/rapper, great communicator, quick turn around. Will hire again for sure!"
"Sean is an absolute pleasure to work with. He is genuinely interested in ALL the projects we’ve worked on together. He is committed and caring and always gives his absolute best in everything he does. He is always gre..."