Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ect7
I'm making a huge success by flipping the sounds of those Brazilian artists who rock the funk and trap scene. But here's the twist: I'm giving it all an electronic spin. Just picture this,my first remix was like a cannonball shot. It hit over 2K streams in the first week, dude! And the fun didn't stop there. My mix was already in loads of playlists
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My name is John Youn. I am a Mixing Engineer here, looking for good work.
We are a young group of three musicians based in Nuremberg/Germany.
I now mix underground and cross-over electronic music! I have platinum records of my own productions, international no.1's and have produced/mixed on other platinum electronic records.
Let me help you achieve your vision. Diverse and creative. Last year I had 863k streams and 258k followers on Spotify with my independent group where we wrote, mixed and mastered all tracks ourselves.
Composer, Producer & Sound designer with a special interest in audiovisual productions, including animation, documentaries, film & game audio.
I'm looking for people who want their music mixed mastered and touched up. Avery blue productions is looking for clients at an amazing price
90+ Episodes As Contributing Composer for CBS, The Young & Restless | Signed Artist to Steven Scharf Entertainment & Imaginary Friends. I'm a Full Production Studio, Composer, Pop Singer & Songwriter. I specialize in crafting commercially appealing songs start to finish. Bring me your idea and let's push your creation to the peak of its potential!
Recent Successes
"John Webber is a fantastic mastering engineer. He is fast to respond, quick to run through your mixes and attend to your needed adjustments and overall he mastered the mixes according to how you want. Fully de..."
"I continue to say how great Wes is and how fortunate I am to work with him. Wes has limitless talent and always brings his A game. "
"Sergio is a fantastic musician and a pleasure to work with! He is easy to communicate with and his turnaround time is exceptionally quick. I'll definitely hire him again for my next project. "
"Daniel was incredible at incorporating my detailed feedback and working with me through the end! He truly cared about the project and me being happy with it. Daniel made the song sound rich and competitive. I truly ap..."
"Another amazing mix. I didn't even have notes or changes for this one. Thank you Chris "
"Gene gave my tune some real guts with his bold vocals! He got on the job quick, listened carefully, and punched out a super-pro vocal session! I'll be working with him again!"
"The human warmth, profesional quality and mastering aesthetics of Andrés are unbeatable. Once more I had the pleasure to have Andrés as my mastering engineer and once again he delivered an amazing job. My to-go option..."