Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eco-Music Big Band - Colors of Resistance
Internationally Acclaimed NYC-Based Jazz Trumpeter w/ 20+ Years Experience
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Hi! I am Riccardo Tisbo from Italy, 22 years old. I studied at APM (Alto Perfezionamento Musicale) School also graduated from the high school as an expert in electronics and telecommunications. I play drums since I was 16 years. I have got a project studio and possibility of an high end studio too.
Music producer who sings!
"There is no escalator to success you have to take the stairs" Top 100 Best album on Amazon for solo albums Devil's Playground & Larry Writer and performer of the song "The Choice" and "Never Slow Down" (Theme song used for the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA), Numerous Film and TV show placements.
Enhancing vocals and melodies with a seductive touch. Elevate your music with CK Jones top lines and vocal production. CK Jones is featured on J Stone’s Outta Sight (All Money in, Nipsey Hussle), and is singer and vocal producer for LAVNDR SKYS along with many other features and projects out on all major platforms.
Educated to First Class Degree level in Music Production, I have previously worked with Relentless Energy, Eastpak Bags, Shutterstock, Premiumbeat, Unconvention Hub, Merlin Entertainment and Industrial Strength Records.
Singer. Songwriter. Producer. Composer. Writer. I always dream BIG.
Visual Artist excelling in various mediums // digital design, video editing, motion graphics, and 3D design. Making work for a range of artists from Katy Perry to local indie artists from Berklee College of Music.
Professional audio engineer/former live musician, applying skills and passions to studio production.
Recent Successes
"very professional, open to suggestions and very patient. Very Good at mixing"
"Jenny is an absolute sweetheart to work with! She makes a big effort to please and get it right. Her voice is like velvet!!! I look forward to the next time, I have something in her wheelhouse. THANKS, JENNY "
"Great working with Vanja. He is an exceptional guitarist and delivered flawless and beautiful sounding acoustic guitar stems. Highly recommended "
"Always a great experience working with Eleanor! A very talented and versatile harpist - and very quick to deliver on projects. Thanks again :)"
"I've collaborated with Darren many times and he's always able to give exactly what I want. His top lines are amazing and he's super easy to work with! I highly recommend Darren! "
"Great voice - great to work with - very nice final result."
"Hugo is the best to work with! Always delivers exactly what I need and then some!"
"Ray is so fantastic with passion for music and good at communication. His effort and commitment to our work made great progress til the last minute. I would do more work with Ray again in the future for sure."
"Maaaaaaan, let me tell you. This man, Josh, is a saint. I’m not an easy guy to please and I’m usually to blazed to spell my own name but Josh not only nailed the mix but he was patient, helpful and willing to experime..."