Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dyzgo
Worked with Sefi Carmel and DYZGO on "4 milimetrai" and "Jama". I mix songs tastefully and expensively... My Mixing Coach is Max Berg.
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I'm a graduated sound engineer and mastering engineer at APM school in Saluzzo (CN), probably one of the best schools in Italy for technical aspects of music. I have an open mind to all kinds of work in the field and I never stop to learn something new to reach the perfect quality in what I do. My prices are good and they are always negotiable.
I have been mixing/mastering music for 7 years and would love to explore the possibility of working together on your next release. There are some things I could do to make the song sound extremely thick, yet keep the clarity intact. I really think it could help your mixes stand out to your fans and potential labels.
If you need a consistent mix throughout your album, or a punchy master and you're on a short deadline, I'm your man.
We are here to bring your project to life and help you make killer music for the whole world to hear. Your project is important to us and we promise to get your song sounding amazing and hit ready!
I've been working for 2 years now as a professional Hip Hop beatmaker. I've had plenty of experience throughout this couple years in a way that i can adapt very easily to an artist expectations. I assure PROFESSIONAL QUALITY beats, doesn't matter the genre.
Hi, I’m an Irish composer, producer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter based in Berlin. Most of my experience comes from an original music project called Black Pope. I co-produced my debut album with recent Grammy-winner Cian Riordain (St. Vincent, Lana Del Rey) and have been featured in Mojo Magazine and Hotpress Magazine.
Worked with Sefi Carmel and DYZGO on "4 milimetrai" and "Jama". I mix songs tastefully and expensively... My Mixing Coach is Max Berg.
10+year vet pop songwriter in the music industry and artist with 4 million+ streams and a pop song formula that works!
Recent Successes
"Francesca has a wonderful voice that captured everything the song needed. She delivered files promptly and was fantastic to work with. Highly recommended! "
"I had lyrics done by her and her team, and after reviewing the lyrics with a panel of professionals, everyone was unanimous that she delivered a top notch lyric, creative and up to every standard in the industry. I hi..."
"Second time working with Jamila, and there's going to be many more. She always understands the essence of what I need and delivers impeccable stems with no leaks in no time. Versatile, flexible and PROFESSIONAL."
"Matt is The Dude, great drumming, great guy, easy to work with ! Keep working together ! "
"It was such a pleasure to work with Waresdanny. Not only did he do an amazing job that exceeded my expectations in terms of the overall production, but I really appreciate his patience, attentiveness to my preferences..."
"Best person i’ve ever worked with on SoundBetter. completely changed up my song to get it to where it should be and i love it way more than what i had planned. i 100% recommend David!"
"Great experience like always!"
"This is a world-class pianist. He really puts deep thought and professionalism into each project, bringing results that I can really be proud of! Thank you so much Michael. Till the next time! :)"
"This song was a new, never done before, music genre for Kipper Eldridge, but he took to it like a duck to water! Kipper has produced a stunning piece of music that leaves all my friends and colleagues silent, open-mo..."