Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dyve
Will Carpenter is an award-winning songwriter & producer, with over a decade of experience in the music industry having worked with songwriters / producers such as RedOne (Lady Gaga, U2, The Band Perry) and Wally Gagel (Family of the Year, Miley Cyrus, Best Coast). With a focus on vocal production, Will can take your project to the next level.
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Engineers Adam Chase and Alexx IV have over 10 years of combined experience in studio recording, mixing and mastering. If you would like to get in contact feel free to email us on raivaudio@gmail.com.
Producer, writer and Artist with over a decade of experience collaborating with artists and songwriters creating awardwinning music for Music/TV & Film.
I have an ear for detail and hold high standards for audio, backed with my diverse experience and skillset I can help forge unique and interesting sounds.
singer looking for prod
Come together
Producer for David Guetta since 2013. Now also available for your projects & ideas ! Due to the large number of different projects from recent years, no genres are alien to me. Whether it's commercial pop music, EDM, house, techno or hip-hop/trap. High quality productions with 100% authenticity guaranteed.
I am Zilla T, an EDM genre based music producer with over 2+ years experience. I can produce EDM music for you in such genre as slap house, bass house, deep house, trap, future bass etc. I can mix the song along with the work. over 100+ tracks produced to this date.
Recent Successes
"Paul was timely, professional and came up with great ideas. Look forward to working again. Hire him you wont be disappointed:)"
"I love that Marcello is comfortable enough with our working relationship to take risks and send back something completely different & BETTER!!! I've never seen anybody work outside the box so effectively... You Rock ..."
"This is my second time working with John, and I can’t state this enough; he is the best of the best. It’s so much fun to go through the creative process with John, and the tracks he makes are wicked awesome and top no..."
"Sae has excellent skills and a great feel for finding a vibe in a production. Love the result of what we worked on. Highly recommended."
"Austin finished on the agreed upon timeline, revised quickly, and provided a great sounding finished product!"
"Allen provided vocals fast despite the fast turnaround and delivered all the tracks exactly how I asked for! A++"
"Leandro is Super Talented!!!! A true professional!!! He was able to deliver my keyboard part and offer me alternative options!!! Great communicator! A great guy!!! I look forward to working with him again!!! Strongl..."
"Iratxe was a great pleasure to work with! She wrote and played these beautiful, haunting cello pieces to an arrangement of mine for a film. She went above my expectations and really added some new life to the piece. I..."