Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DW5
If you can think it, you can make it. Let's work together and make our dreams come true.
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My name is Mariano and I am a professional singer, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, and producer. I treat your song like it's my own, giving each project the utmost care. With 8 years of experience, I am confident that I can help you to bring your songs to life. I specialize in Christian, worship, singer/songwriter, folk, and Americana.
Looking for a producer? I’m also an engineer. I can make a beat on the spot, throw it into ProTools, engineer the song on top of the tracked out beat, and mix and master it all together into a finished product. Interested?
Hailing from Newark, New Jersey & currently based in San Francisco, The Indiigo Child brings a refreshing style to dance music, with a range of electronic synth and hard-hitting beats. My latest single "Im Yours" and 2 EP’s “Save My World” & “Renegade Voyager” are both on Apple Music and Spotify.
Started producing when I was 12, started playing guitar when I was 16, and piano when I was 17, drums when I was 20, all so that I can make pop hits that you'll struggle to get out of your head.
Worked with and produced for some top top artists. Inquire of my portfolio if you’re interested.
Award winning songwriter and producer to help your song shine its brightest.
Epic / Ambient / Cinematic Music - Inspired By Hans Zimmer, Instrumental Tracks, Arrangment, Sheet Music
If you can think it, you can make it. Let's work together and make our dreams come true.
Recent Successes
"Trey is a master and our go-to producer, mixer. Simply amazing work."
"I have had several collaborations with Eivend and keep coming back for more! Top shelf pro. Highly recommend!"
"definitely coming back with another track. the time was worth the wait. "
"I have worked with adam many times, and every time he masters for me it always something special, easy to work with and his process is flawless. Im a fan!"
"Gideon is the real deal. A true professional. Awesome."
"great session going over some specific tips in regards to the big room techno / melbourne techno sound! great insight into some processes wth a little example one of Achilles' new releases too! top stuff "
"Freddie was fantastic to work with extremely quick response. And the product is outstanding will definitely be working with him again "
"J.O.Y, This is my second project with J.O.Y and he came thru again! The man can flat out sing and he is true professional! I will not hesitate to work with him again! I highly recommend him! "
"Gosteffects made some fantastic additions to my song that accentuate liveliness and emotion. Great work!"