Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Duane Stowes
Hello my name is Antonio Wayside. I'm in audio engineer based from southern Maryland with over 3+ years of professional experience with major labels including (Atlantic, Sony Music, & Roc Nation) and 6+ years of recording independent artists. I'm here to help you reach a consistent sonic quality for release and a competitive edge in the industry.
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Hello my name is Lilit and I'm professional composer and pianist (I have Master's degree in Composer ). I have a lot of experienced in arranging/producing music,piano performing, singing .I`d love to help you on anything from just a piano or keyboard recording for a track, to a full and completed production.
Audioendo is music from within.
Previously signed to Columbia Records as a solo artist & mentored by multi Grammy award winning artist and songwriter NeYo. Rae has also toured worked with Celine Dion, Nas, Tori Kelly, Natasha Bedingfield, Kelly Clarkson, Brandy, and Keri Hilson to name a few.
WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU -Lead & backing vocals (male & female) -Instrumentation -Mixing -Vocal Tuning -Production Our favourite thing to do is create a song from your ideas. Have you got a lonely vocal line that needs a track? We've got you covered. Send us a message and we will make a custom offer.
With over 10 years of experience, I specialise in providing my clients with a sense of comfort and confidence in their work, enabling them to make the best music possible. Whether it be drums, guitar, bass, production, mixing or mastering - I've got that covered.
Hire me for that top tier radio sound! We specialize in making Hip-hop & R&B Insane beats for sale so you can make them hits HQ audio engineering Mixing & Mastering
Producer with great support from Traxsource and signed to various labels such as Heavy, Grooveland, Sure Player Recordings, Barking Mad, Finest House Traxx, Do it Now Recordings, Boutique Vibe, etc .
Recent Successes
"Amazing quality of work, super professional and timely. Really cares about the people he works with."
"Producer G. has talents in all genres, and I took advantage of quite a few of them now! He's one of the best, and my songs have never sounded better with his great productions!"
"Very quick and easy to work with! Great result. Would recommend 5/5:)"
"Officially my Go-To guy for anything related to a bass guitar. period. From Christmas music to street bangers. Davidbassy is your guy"
"No one could have done a better job on my song than James! He's exceptionally talented and professional, as well as kind and easy to work with. I would highly recommend him!"
"Lars did an amazing job mastering my song, looking forward to future projects! :)"
"Katy was professional, responsive, and quick with her work. Not to mention the quality of her voice and all the files she sent me were perfect. I would love to work with her again!"
"second time asking him for a topline. how he work is always great. always trying to make a better one with good communication. I`m satisfied with the track again! thank you so much for working hard for me!"
"This is my 8th song mixed and mastered by Sefi. As with every song mixed/mastered previously, this current song just sounds astonishingly good. It has been a blast working with Sefi on each song and I look forward ..."